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The French Revolution

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    Moderate bourgeoisie.Proposals: end of A.Regime, a parliament by census suffrage and a constitution.
  • General assembly

    General assembly
    It represented the common people of France (also called the Third Estate) and demanded that the king make economic reforms to insure that the people had food to eat.
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    The French Revolution

    The outbreak of the French Revolution meant the end of The Ancien Regime and absolutism.
    A new society appeared; equality of all the citiznes before the law, no privileged classes...
    It suppsed the creation of political system based on popular sovereignty and suffrage.
  • The tennis court Oath

    The tennis court Oath
    Louis XVI ordered the closure of the Salle des États where the Assembly met. The Third Estate moved to an indoor tennis court where they pledged not to separate until they had given France a constitution.
  • The taking over of the bastille

    The taking over of the bastille
    The Parisian crowd took over the Bastille, a symbol of royal tyranny.
  • Abolition of feudalism

    The Constituent Assembly abolished the entire feudal system.
  • Declaration of rights of man and citizens

    A charter of human liberties, containing the principles that inspired the French Revolution.
  • Women’s march on Versailles

    Women’s march on Versailles
    Mainly women marched from Paris to the Palace of Versailles.They stormed the palace, killing several guards .
  • 1791 constitution

    Constitutional monarchy
    Popular sovereignty
    Separation of powers
    Limited male suffrage
  • Royal flight to Varennes

    Royal flight to Varennes
    The royal family decided to leave France and seek refuge in Austria. They fled the Tuileries Palace dressed as servants with their servants dressed as nobles.
  • Invasion of Austria

    France declared preventive war on Austria that invaded France in.
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    Radical bourgeoisie (supported by popular classes).
    Republic, more equality (universal male suffrage +social laws)
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    French revolutionary wars

    Revolutionary France was considered dangerous by the other European monarchies .Series of military conflicts.
  • The attack of the Tuileries Palace

    The attack of the Tuileries Palace
    Known the events, the common people(sans-culottes) attacked the Tuileries Palace and took the royal familiy. The republic was declared.
  • Louis XVI is acused of treason

    Louis XVI is acused of treason
  • Louis XVI is guillotined

    Louis XVI is guillotined
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    The insurrection

    A crowd of angry sans-culottes stormed the National Convention and forced it to vote for the arrest of its 29 Girondin deputies.
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    Freedoms were suspended and those who protested or criticized the government were imprisioned or executed, appliying the Law of suspects.
  • Louis XVI wife’s is guillotined

    Louis XVI wife’s is guillotined
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    New moderate liberalism( moderate bourgeoisie)
  • Execution of Robespierre

    Execution of Robespierre
    An end to the Reign of Terror
  • Coup de Brumaire

    Coup de Brumaire
    Napoleon overtakes the French Directory. Through the support of the French people he creates the French Consulate.