The Meeting of the Estates General
The members of Third Estate were summoned by King Louis XVI to the discuss the monarchy's state of financial crisis. The Third Estate feared that they would be forced to bare the monarchy's financial crisis the Third Estate formed their own National Assembly where vowed not to leave their location, which was an indoor tennis court, until a constitution was written. -
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Bastille stormed by Paris mob
Parisian revolutionist take siege of the Bastille, because it was seen as a symbol of the tyranny of Bourbon monarchs. Bastille was a royal fortress but also a prison. -
Declaration of the Rights of Man
The Declaration of the Rights of Man is written and states that are men are equal. In this statement woman and children were not included. -
March on Versailles
Parisian market woman lead a march to protest the scarcity and high price of bread. The market woman and other revolutionary allies created mob of protestors. -
The Civil Constitution of the Clergy
The Civil Constitution of the Clergy is published, giving the French government control of the Church. This leads to the government selling church land due to scarcity of money. -
The Royal Family tries to flee
King Louis XVI and his family attempt to escape France, but end up getting caught at Verannes. The King and his family were then sent back to Paris and the King was put on trial. -
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Reign of Terror
Thousands of people are executed due to conflict caused by the two political parties, Jacobins, and the Girondins. During this time the leader of the Jacobins arose as a revolutionary leader. -
The King's Execution
After King Louis XVI is forced to go on trial he is sentenced to death. He was then executed by the guillotine on January 21, 1793