The French Revolution

  • Period: to

    National Assembly

  • Declaration of Rights of Man

    Declaration of Rights of Man
    The document was created 13 years after the document it was modeled from, the Declaration of Independence. All French men were announced as "Born and remain free and equal in rights."
  • March on Versailles

    An estimated 6 thousand women had marched 13 miles in the rain from Paris to Versailles. They protested because of them being angered from Marie Antionette's luxurious life style, even though she sometimes helps the poor.
  • National Assembly controls the Church (No Date)

    The French Catholic Church was put under state control by the National Assembly. Bishops and priests had been elected by the Civil Constitution of the Clergy,
  • Constitution of 1791

    The National Assembly had accomplished their main goal in creating the Constitution of 1791. It set up a limited monarchy in place of the absolute monarchy that was used by France, for many centuries.
  • Louis's Escape from France

    Urged by Marie Antoinette, Louis had try to escape the country due to their horrible situation. They had been caught by being spotted in a coach, in which the whole family was in it. This ruined their reputation even more, and called Louis a traitor.
  • France Declares War on Prussia, Britain, and Austria

    The radicals of the Legislative Assembly had declared war on Prussia, Britain, and Austria, with Austria being the first country. The French expected to win with their enormous power, resulting in a very long war.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

  • Execution of Louis

    Louis was put on trial for being a traitor to the country. He was declared guilty by only one vote, and was later sentenced to death. The king was later beheaded and the executioner lifted the king's head by his hair and held it up, in front of the crowd.
  • Execution of Marie

    Marie was executed in October, but she accepted her death. The press had celebrated this event.
  • Robespierre Arrested

    Robespierre was one of the influential people during the Reign of Terror. He stated that terror was necessary to achieve the goals of the revolution. He was later arrested, and executed the next day of his arrest.
  • The Constitution of 1795

    On 1795, a Constitution was created which consisted of a five man Directory and a 2-house legislature, which was elected by male citizens of property.
  • Period: to

    Third Stage of Revolution

  • Napoleon's Attempt to Conquer Egypt

    Napoleon returned to Paris to confront the British, but chose to capture Egypt from the Ottoman Empire instead. However, he failed to do so, having the French fleet destroyed by Admiral Horatio Nelson, and the French army was stranded.
  • Napoleon Overthrows the Directory

    After returning to France in October, Napoleon overthrew the Directory and issued the Constitution of Year VII in December 1799.