The French Revolution

  • Estates General

    Estates General
    The Estate General is a meeting called by king Louis XVI. They are kind like the parliament. The Estate General had not met for more than 170 years. King Louis XVI called the because the French government was having financial problems.
  • National Assembly Formed

    National Assembly Formed
    King Louis gathered a conference of the Estate General to address France's crisis.Estate General was comprised of three gathering the First Estate,Second Estate,Third Estate.Each gathering had a similar measure of casting a voting control.The 3rd Estate felt that this wasn't sensible as they tended to 98% of the individuals,in any case,be outvoted.The Third Estate made its own gathering called the National Assembly.They began to meet consistently and run the nation without the help of the king.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The National Assembly was a revolutionary assembly established in the months of June and July of 1789.The 3rd estates sends a representative to represent the founders of the bourgeoisie, whose opinions have been influenced by enlightenment.One of the three states had to assemble and each member had to vote.There were 576 men who took the oath. These occurrences mattered because they deprived the 1st and 2nd estates of their unequal federal.
  • The Storming of The Bastille

    The Storming of The Bastille
    The revolutionaries who raged the Bastille were generally skilled workers and store owners who lived in Paris.They were individuals of a French social class called the 3rd estate.There were around 1000 men who taken part within the attack. The 3rd estate had recently made demands of the king and demanded that the commoners have more of a say in government.They were worried that he was preparing the French army for an attack.In order to arm themselves they first took over the hotel des invalids.
  • Constitutional Monarchy

    Constitutional Monarchy
    Constitutional of 1791, French constitution established by the National Assembly during the French Revolution. The monarchy remained, but the power practically existed in the legislative Assembly, which was elected by a system of indirect voting. The franchise was limited to " active" residents who paid a certain amount of tax about two-thirds of adults males had the ability to vote for electors and to directly elect those elected authorities. The constitution lasted less than one year.
  • France a Republic

    France a Republic
  • King Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette Beheaded

    King Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette Beheaded
    King Louis and his family attempt to flee France, but at the French border someone recognizes Louis XVI and he is returned to France under guard. The attempt to flee helped the French Revolution by creating distrust in the king.
  • Reign of Terror Begins

    Reign of Terror Begins
    The reign of terror began after Robespierre declares terror " the order of the day". This signals the beginning of almost two years of suppression of the supposed opponents of the revolution. It would claim an estimated 18,500- 40,000 lives by the end of July 1794.
  • Reign of Terror Ends

    Reign of Terror Ends
    The reign of terror came to an end with fall of Robespierre on July 27. The Convention indicts Robespierre and his allies for offenders against the Republic. They are charged, sentenced and guillotined within the two days of being hanged.