Louis calls the Estates-General
It was a gathering of representatives from all 3 estates(clergy,nobles, and everyone else) since 1614, They met at the palace of Versailles, King Louis hoped that the Estates General would approve new taxes, But voting was an issue even thought the third Estate representing millions of French people they didnt have much power, Each group was only allowed one vote.The third Estates grew tired of only allowed one vote so they demanded a 'National Assembly' and wanting a new constitution. -
Tennis Court Oath
The National Assembly also known as the third estate were excluded from their regular meeting by king Louis XVI and met in a nearby tennis court instead. This lead to a new written constitution for France that also included the Declaration of the Rights of Man. -
Storming of the Bastille
The prison known as the Bastille represented royal authority of France. At this time the Bastille was empty of prisoners because of the storming, This was a symbol of royal tyranny. The crowd grew impatient when the negotiations dragged on. The crowed busted through the gate crushing a soilder & the fighting became more intense when women and children were killed. This lead to the morning of july 15, the king & his commanders backed down and this day spread throughout France creating principles. -
Period: to
The French Revolution
Declaration of Rights of Man
The Declaration was directly influnenced by Thomas Jefferson and introduced by general Lafayttealso influenced by a doctrine of "natural right"
became the basis for a nation of free people protected equally by law.
It was a core statement of the French Rev. -
March to Versailles
This event was one of the most violent journies that occured in the French Rev. The march was staged in an effort to intake more bread & to force high prices of bread down to reasonable offer. As the original 6,000 women were marching, other women were encouraged to join. Most had pitchforks, muskets, pikes, etc. Once they reach Versailles they broke through the gates & demanded bread, King L. was shocked and gave into the demands, & lead to the King leaving Versailles & the Rev. falling slowly. -
Louis's Trial
KIng Louis was charged 33 times when accused of having multiple crimes in order to etablish his tyranny. When he was stripped of his noble titles he was charged with tresion and was sentenced to the guillotine in front of the entire french national convention. He attempted to make a speech before his execution but was silenced and strapped down to the guillotine. -
The Terror
The Terror was associated by Robespierre and made ridiculous laws through the Terror saying if women or men complained of high bread prices they would be executed, along with Robespierres long term associates who were also executed, this lead to Robespierre commiting Tression and was sentenced to death, when held in jail, he attempted suicide by putting a gun to his head but just managed to shatter his jaw, and also being executed by the guillotime while his men succesfully comitted suicide. -
Robespierre Killed
He was overthrown and arrested by the national convention. As the leading member of the comittee in 1793.Robespierre encouraged the execution of over 17,000 "french enemies" by the guillotine. Robespierre and 21 of his followers were guillotined infront of a cheering mob in the french central palace,