Liberty leading the people

The French Revolution

By AzitaV
  • Jun 20, 789

    Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The Tennis Court Oath was when the Third Estate representatives were locked out of their meeting room. They relocated to an indoor tennis court and pledged to remain until a new constitution was to be established. The Tennis Court Oath showcased persistence to the cause and the Oath also represented that people of France were finally taking a stand against their king. Source:
  • Storming the Bastille

    Storming the Bastille
    Words were traveling around about Louis XIV's intentions on using military power. People began gathering weapons to defend the city if any sort of attack was to come. A large group of people searching for weapons stormed the Bastille and killed a few guards and the prison commander in the process. The Storming of the Bastille was an extremely important event because it marked the first act of the French Revolution.
  • Period: to

    The French Revolution

  • The Declaration of the Rights of Man

    The Declaration of the Rights of Man
    The National Assembly established statements of revolutionary ideals. These ideas suggested equal freedom of speech, freedom of religion, justice and security and. Due to these ideals, the National Assembly's slogan became, "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity".
    The Declaration of the Rights of Man signified that France was abandoning old principles and reconstructing the country. Sources: Ebooks,
  • Louis XIV & His Family Leaving Versailles

    Louis XIV & His Family Leaving Versailles
    During October of 1789, a group of Parisian women stormed onto Versailles, armed, rioting about the expensive bread prices. The women ended up breaking into the palace of Versailles and killed several of the palace's guards. Several hours later, Louis XIV and his family would end up leaving Versailles.
    Louis XIV leaving Versailles indicated France to establish fundamental reforms. Source of information:
  • Louis XIV's Attempts of Escape

    Louis XIV's Attempts of Escape
    As the old regime was abandoned, advisers warned Louis XIV that France wasn't safe anymore. In June of 1791, Louis XIV alongside his family would attempt to escape to the Austrian Netherlands. When the royal family got closer to the border, they were turned back around and escorted back with a guard's supervision. This act fueled the opposition of Louis XIV's enemies and due to this attempted escape, it sealed Louis's fate; the end of his days was nearing. Source of information: Ebook
  • Establishment of The Constitutional Monarchy

    Establishment of The Constitutional Monarchy
    September of 1791: The national assembly finalized the new constitution. The National Assembly created a constitutional monarchy and imposed a Legislative Assembly. Louis XIV hesitantly approved of the new changes; he had power to a limited extent. This event goes to show how much power the National Assembly held upon a royal. This establishment is an important part of the French revolution as it shows how dedicated the National Assembly was on transforming France. Source: Ebooks
  • The Legislative Assembly Declares War

    The Legislative Assembly Declares War
    Many people watched the changes in France unfold. Austria and Prussia advised France to restore Louis XIV to his former position as a pure monarchy. As a result, the Legislative Assembly declared war.
    This would come to be a very important event in the French revolution because it would eventually lead France to undergo governmental changes yet again and allow a political organization, Jacobins, to spread their ideas. Source: Ebooks
  • Declaration of the Republic

    Declaration of the Republic
    The national assembly was discontinued and the king was demoted from his position. The monarchy was completely overthrown and France was declared a republic. I believe this was an important event in the French revolution because it shows how many governmental changes the country underwent in order to completely abolish the monarchy. Source: Ebooks,
  • Execution of Louis XIV

    Execution of Louis XIV
    Louis XIV was stripped of his title and was now a citizen as well as a prisoner. The convention found him guilty and sentenced him to death. Eventually, Louis was beheaded by the guillotine. This an important event because at the end of the day, the French republic forced Louis to pay for his actions with the guillotine and marked an end and a new beginning for France's new strings of chaos.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    Robespierre acquired control over France in 1793. He closed churches and renewed the calendar. Around 40,000 people were executed under his rule, including Marie Antoinette. The reign of terror ended with members of the National Convention demanding Robespierre's execution.
    The Reign of Terror was significant as it led to the country's economic decline and Napolean's rise to power. Source: eBooks,