Period: to
The French Revolution
Louis calls the Estates General
King Louis called the estates general in 1789 to try and solve the national debt. he tried to tax the nobles to get as much money as possible for this issue. the third estate invited the 1st and 2nd estates to join them in the vote. -
Tennis Court Oath
while at the estates general the third estate representatives were locked out of their conference room so they went to th nearby handball court and made a make-shift conference room and refused to leave until a new constitution was drawn up -
Storming of the Bastille
revolutionaries stormed a prison in the center of paris to get muntions to fight the govt. of France and also to free prisoners -
March to Versailles
the women of paris were almost rioting becasue of the price of bread acrowd of a thousand women adn they went to the kings palace and forced him to return with them to paris -
Attacks on prisons
a wave of massacrse by the french revolutionaries called by an angry news letter written by Jean Paul Marat -
Louis's Trial
king Louis was captured while trying to escape France to Austria. he was brought to court and charged of 33 seperate charges after being found guilty he was beheaded by a guillotine -
the Terror
a period of violenence that happened from september 1793 ly of 1794. it was caused by the 2 major political parties fighting -
Robespierre killed
Robespierre was seen as on of the most influential figures in the French Revolution. as a member of the comitee of public safety he enforced the death penalty and after he was killed the terror ended