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The French Revolution

  • Meeting at Versailles

    Meeting at Versailles
    The Three estates meet in Versailles and are immediately divided over the issue of whether to count by head or to give each estate equal votes. the first estate is the clergy making up 0.6% of the population, the 2nd estate is the nobility and they make up 1.25% of the French population and the third estate is the commoners making up 98%. This event is historically significant because it comprised of all three estates and would lead to the levying of taxes and outrage of the third estate.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • the forming of the national assembly

    the forming of the national assembly
    The Dispute over votes in the Estates-General led to deputies of the third estate declaring themselves the national assembly, along with members of the first two estates. this is historically significant because it marked a significant step towards democracy and the representation of the French people. It led to the establishment of a constitutional monarchy giving people the final say over King Louis XVI making him a figurehead.
  • The Tennis Court Oath

    The Tennis Court Oath
    On June 20th the delegates showed up to deliberate, But found the doors locked. They met at a nearby tennis court and took the famous tennis court oath declaring that they would not disband until France had a written constitution. This event demonstrated the unity of the French people during the revolution. this oath symbolized the people's resistance against the absolute power of The monarchy and their determination to create a more democratic society.
  • The Firing of Jacques Necker

    The Firing of Jacques Necker
    Louis XVI fired Jacques Necker who was the finance manager and the finance manager of the third estate. This was significant because Necker was a popular figure. his dismissal by the king on July 11 sparked outrage among the people of France. Necker was seen as a symbol of support for the third estate and his dismissal further fueled anger leading to protests and led to the storming of the Bastille and the violence the French Revolution would bring.
  • The Storming Of the Bastille

    The Storming Of the Bastille
    The great fear of July 1789, when Parisians were panicked about the possibility of the aristocracy overthrowing the third estate, a large crowd seized the Bastille prison, Which is a royal symbol of tyranny. This event is significant because it symbolizes the start of the French Revolution. it represented people's discontent with the monarchy and their desire for change and freedom. The governor of the Bastille de Launey and the mayor of Paris Flesselles famously had their heads on pikes.
  • France Declares War On Austria

    France Declares War On Austria
    For the Next Seven Years, The hostilities Known as the French Revolutionary Wars continued between France and various European powers. This is significant because the events of the wars would lead to permanent hostility towards France as every country around it was a monarchy indirectly leading to the fall of Napoleon in the coalition wars, the Emperor of Austria Francis II wanted to disrupt the revolution as Marie Antoinette was Austrian and he wanted to maintain a catholic power in Europe.
  • French Republic Established

    French Republic Established
    After a long Debate about how the new constitution should work the French Revolution took a radical turn when revolutionaries arrested the king. The following month The National Convention was established. This proclaimed the abolition of the monarchy and established the French Republic. This event marked the official end of the monarchy and the birth of democracy in France this event brought significant political, Social, and cultural changes, Robespierre would lead the republic through fear.
  • Execution Of King Louis XVI

    Execution Of King Louis XVI
    On January 21st, 1793 King Louis now known as Citizen Louis was executed for treason after the Prussians threatened to burn Paris if anything was done to Louis After hearing the People Dragged Louis out of prison he was tried by the National Assembly and found guilty. He Was killed by Guillotine.
  • Execution Of Marie Antoinette

    Execution Of Marie Antoinette
    During the Reign of Terror, A period During which Radical Elements of the government enact harsh measures against those they consider enemies, Marie-Antoinette is executed by Guillotine. The Reign of Terror is Overseen By Robespierre. the Execution of Antoinette is significant because the entire royal family was killed and the further mass killings of the French people led British newspapers to question the true prosperity and rights of democracy.
  • The Arrest Of Robespierre

    The Arrest Of Robespierre
    Robespierre was arrested at the national convention. He is executed the next day, Signaling the end of the Reign Of Terror. The National Convention is dissolved, making way for a government consisting of a five-person directory and a bicameral legislature. this event is important as Robespierre was the leader of the revolution, he was a prominent leader and played a major role in the region of terror. His arrest marked the end of the mass killings of the revolution ending the jacobin Regime.
  • The Directory Takes Power

    The Directory Takes Power
    A New Regime The Directory took power in France in 1795. the internal political situation remains unstable, but is silenced by y]the army, now led by a young general Napoleon Bonaparte. There follows a period of Success in war modern-day Belgium is annexed, the Dutch Republic surrenders, and peace is made with the Prussians and Spanish. this event would make Napoleon even more popular as his name and fame grew he began to get power-hungry ideas.
  • Napoleonic era Begins

    Napoleonic era Begins
    The Directory's four years in power were a failure, with them ceding much power to the military to maintain order. on November 9th, 1799, as frustration with their leadership reached a fever pitch, Bonaparte staged a coup d'etat, abolishing the directory and establishing himself as first consul. this marks the end of the French Revolution and the start of the Napoleonic era. this would lead to the Napoleonic wars and the end of the Holy Roman Empire after Napoleon made himself emperor of France.