Assassination Attempt of Louis XV
A man named Robert-Francois Damiens tried to kill Louis XV by stabbing him. Louis survived the attack and soon fell into a deep depression because he didn't understand why his people wanted to kill him. -
The Marriage of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette
King Louis XVI was betrothed to Marie Antoinette in order to bring France and Austria together. It formed allies and brought the Bourban and Hasburgs together. -
King Louis XV dies
He died of smallpox and soon King Louis XVI took over in his place. -
Birth of the First Child
Marie Antoinette finally gave birth to a child after being with Louis XVI for years, unfortunetley it was a girl. Later on gave birth to two boys and another girl. The eldest daughter and son both died, but the youngest lived. -
Tennis Court Oath
The Tennis Court Oath was in Versailles, France, where the deputies of the Third Estate, which represent commoners and the lower clergy, meet on an indoor tennis court, in defiance of King Louis XVI’s order to disperse. -
The Fall of the Bastille
A building that held prisoners and was tore down brick by brick by the people of France. It was done because people were rioting because they were starving and looking for revenge. -
Austrian War
Revolutionaries wanted war because they thought war would unify the country, and had a genuine desire to spread the ideas of the Revolution to all of Europe -
The Rise of Robespeirre, Danton and Marat
Robespierre, Marat, and Danton over throw the king and come into power soon starting the Reign of Terror. -
King Louis XVI Final Day
King Louis XVI was executed on the guillotine for treason. -
Marat's End
Marat was the man behind the hand writing who put thousands to their deaths. He was killed by a woman named Charolette Corday she stabbed him to death and was looked uo to as a hero but Marat was looked to as a god. -
Charollette Corday Killed
Charolette Corday killed Marat and was looked to as a hero, but it wasn't enough. She was executed for the murder of Marat. -
The Reign of Terror
Influenced by Robespeirre, thousands of people were executed under the guillotine because they were accused of being "traitors". -
Marie Antoinette's Death
Marie followed the same fate as her husband King Louis XVI and was executed on the guillotine for treason, incest, and trying to put her son on the throne. -
Second Hand Man without His Head
Danton was Robespeirre's second hand man and was soon executed by Robespeirre along with thousands of other people for being a "traitor". -
Robespierre's Attempt
After the thousands of people have been executed they finally realize Robespierre is crazy. They lock him up and Robespierre attempts to kill himself but fails and blows off his bottom jaw. He then is executed the same way as all the other "traitors" were. -
Passing of the Civil Code
After four years of planning and debate, the civil code gave post-revolutionary France its first coherent set of laws concerning property, colonial affairs, the family, and individual rights. -
The Coronation of Emperor Napoleon
Napoleon was crowned the Emperor of France. -
Exhile to Elba
Napoleon I was exiled to Elba after his forced abdication in 1814. He was allowed to keep a personal guard of six hundred men -
Congress of Vienne
The objective of the Congress was to provide a long-term peace plan for Europe by settling critical issues arising from the French Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic Wars. -
100 Days
It was the time period between the exile of Napoleon and the return of King Louis XVIII.