The government was in Great Debt
Frances government was in a lot of debt, and doubled because of the American Revolution. In 1786 the bankers refused to lend anymore money towards their own government. This showed how France's economy started to decline. -
National Assembly issue "Declaration of Right of Man and Citizen"
The Declaration of Right of the right of Man and Citizen is a statement of revolutionary ideas, and mostly inspired by the American Revolution. But it was being questioned ny the National Assembly in August 27. Thirteen days after the noblemen joined the National Assembly. -
Meeting of the Estates General
Louis called a meeting on the Estates General, representatives of all of the three estates. This meeting was held to seek approval to force nobility to also pay taxes. This was a really important and significant event because this was the first meeting in 175 years. -
The National Assembly was Established
The Third Estate agreed to establish the National Assembly. This was to end absolute monarchy and start with representative government. This was important because this was France's first planned act of revolution. -
The Fall of the Bastille
On July 14, the prisoners of the Bastille, a prison in paris, escaped. The prisoners killed many of the prison commander and guards. They then calibrated around the streets with heads on pikes. This event became a great symbol of revolution to the French. -
Noblemen's Great Speeches
In August 4 many noblemen made speeches showing their love of liberty and equality. Because of this the noblemen where joined the to the National Assembly, making the ordinary people equal to the noble people. -
Women's March on Versailles
In October 5, the Parisian women marched through the Versailles with knives and axes. They demanded for the National Assembly to provide bread to them. Then they broke into the palace, killing guards and demanding Louise to return to paris. After this the King and Queen did agree and did return to Paris, so this shows that this protest did make an effect and got what they wanted -
Establishment of the Legislative Assembly
During the year 1790 the French established the Legislative Assembly. This Legislative Assembly was a new legislative body with could great new laws and chose to not declare or declare war. But at the end the King was the leader. But this helped France because they had a more stable and balanced government. -
The Escape of the Royal Family
In June the royal family tried to escape France and go to the Austrian Netherlands. Right before they were going to pass the border they were caught and returned to Paris. Because of Louis's attempt of escaping, Louis's enemies in the government sentenced him to death. -
The New Constitution of 1791
In September the National Assembly completed the new constitution and was approved. This new constitution created a limited constitutional monarchy. This was a very drastic change in their government because the king had no longer complete power and a new legislative body was also created. -
Governmental Changes
The majority of the people who influenced the governmental changes in September 1792 where the Jacobins. The Jacobins where members of the Jacobin club which was a radical political organization. This club influenced lots in France's government and had many historical figures as members, like Jean-Paul Mart and Georges Danton. -
Declaring war to Austria and Prussia
Some European countries started to worry that the revolutionary ideas would start to spread, so some countries decided to take action. Austria and Prussia wanted for the French return to being a government of absolute monarch. In result, in April 20, the National Assembly declared war upon Austria and Prussia. This event lead to a very ugly war, but showed that France was willing to stand by their new revolutionary ideas through war. -
The National Convention Took Office
The Legislative Assembly removed the King from office, the assembly was closed down, and there was an election for new legislation. In September 21, 1792 the National Convention began to work. This event was important because this caused France to remove monarchy and become republican.