Agricultural Recession
Landowners increase their sources of revenue: lower class works harder and gets taxed more. -
Period: to
Events Leading to it
France supports Patriots
France supports the patriots in the American Revolution, leading to more national debt. -
Period: to
Various Years
Wars are fought against Britain and Austria. -
Period: to
Various Years
Lifestyle of monarchs, particularly the "sun king' Louis XIV, is extravagant, costly, and financed by taxes. -
Tennis Court
A few liberal nobles and many clergy join them them and swear the Tennis Court Oath. -
Period: to
Beginnings of the Revolution
The storming a citizens' Bastille. -
Grande Peur
Peasants start robbing and burning some of the chateaux (mansions) of the rich and burn records of money owned. -
End of Feudalism
The end of feudalism and serfdom in France was announced by the National Assembly. -
Louis XVI sentenced to the guillotine.
Period: to
Problems with the Revolution
Thermidorian Reaction
Anarchy and inflation almost overwhelmed the country. -
New Constitution
Took effect after a reactionary rising in Vendemiare was suppressed by General Napoleon Bonaparte. -
Parliament is purged ruthlessly
Many deputies were labeled as royalists and spent to the penal colony of French Guinea. -
French Revolution Ends
The fall of the Directory heralds the end of the French Revolution. -
A national draft was issued calling for all able-bodied men to enlist in the army