Louis XVI Calls the Estates-General
-the estates generals
what- they were called together for the first time in 175 years
why-they wanted to end the riots and the countrys banckruptcy
how- -
Deficit spending by the government and Economic Reform
-the french people
-they were seperated into 3 estates 1st clergy, 2nd nobility, 3rd every one else
-there was only one social class paying taxes
how- -
Parisians storm the Bastille
- french people
- they stormed the bastille
- in paris
- they were angered at the 1st and 2nd estates
- they out manned the guards and destroyed the bastille how-
National Assembly Acts
-french people
-the decloration of rights of man
-they wanted equality for man
-they started the natinal guard and they burned down manors and stole grain from the store houses -
Threats from abroad
-boardering countrys
-other countrsy began to declare war and send war threats to france
- france was starting to influence other countrs to revolt against there kings
how-austria and prussia declared war on france and began to push back there boarders -
Civil War
-the french revolutionarys began fighting against english monarchs
-france -the monarchs didnt want to lose there power -
Monarchy is abolished
- french
- the french people kill the king bye chopping his head off with the guilitine and it ends monarchy -france -they saw the king as a traitor after he tried to run away from france
- they put the king on trialand found him guilty so they choped his head off with the guilatine
Period: to
robespierre and his reign of terror
-he executes people and groups who are aginast the revolution
-he began to be very strict like puting spies in the markets and if people would talk bad about the government they would be executed on the guilitine -
Period: to
third stage of the revolution
-french people
-the peopel began to calm down
-france started to return to reason and around this time is when napolian rised to power -
spread of nationalism
-people in france and europe
-peopel started to be loyal to there country
-countrys aroud the world including france strarted to be more supportive of there countrys they had more pride for there country and began to have perades and festivals