The French Revolution

  • Taking The Throne

    Taking The Throne
    Lous the XVI (16th) takes the throne at age of 19. He was well intentioned but a weak leader. He was mostly doinatedd by his wife Mary Antoinette.
  • Bankruptcy

    Louis XIV's government is about to go bankrupt. He had poor harvests. The National Assembly is formed.
  • Riot

    The people of Paris storm Bastille, a much hated prison theat symbolized autocritic rule. The French Revolution began.
  • Declaration

    The National Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of man and of the Citizen. GAve rights of liberty, property, security and oppresion to all people.
  • The Great Fear

    Peasents were afraid of the nobles because, they thought that they were hiring outlaws to torture them.
    Peasents rioted and stormed the palace. They demanded that Louis & Marie come to paris.
  • Legislative Assembly

    NAtional Assembly broke up so the Legislative Assembly came. Takes away power from the king and gives it to the French law.
  • The Revolutionaries Turn

    Revolutionary leaders turn on each other. Then three factions in the Leeslative Assembly form.
    and Conservatives
  • Sending the troops

    Austria and Prussia, who supported Louis XVI send troops to Paris
  • The Royal Prisoners

    20,000 people invade the royal palace and take Louis, Marie and their children into imprisonment.
  • Getting our rights

    Getting our rights
    The national convention abolishes the monarchy and declares France a republic
    All adult males gain the right to vote and hold office. Although women didn't get the same rights.
  • Period: to

    No longer king

    Lpuis XVI is no longer king. The radical Jacobinstried him for treason and he was found guilty.
  • Head chopping

    Louis XVI gets his head cut off.
  • Fighting and Armies

    Great Britian, Holand, and Spain join Prussia and Austria in fighting France.
    National Assembly brings in 300,000 France citizens to the army.
  • Robespierre

    Robespierre governed France nearly as dictator. This period became known as the Reighn of Terror.
    Approximatley 3,000 were executed in Paris.
  • Maximilien

    Maximilen sets out to gather power in his hands.
    He becomes the leader of the comitte of public safety. He decided who should be considered an enemy of the republic. The commitee had people tried and executed in the same day.
  • Death

    Marie Antoinette exected.
    Revelutionary courts declare death sentences on those that challenge Robespierre.
  • Turning on Robensierre

    Turning on Robensierre
    The national comittee turns on Robespierre, claiming that he is a tyrant. He is executed on July 28th.
  • Moderates

    Leaders in the national conventional draft a new constitution.
    It creates two house legislature and executive body of 5 men known as the directory.