Marriage of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette
Louis XVI is Crowned King of France
The American Revolution Begins
French Spend 50% of Income on Bread
Continued to worsen throughout the year. -
French Spend 80% of Income on Bread
The Estates General Begins to Meet
The Third Estate is Excommunicated from the Estates General
The National Assembly Rules France
Tennis Court Oath
Storming of the Bastille
The Great Fear
Declaration of the Rights of Man
Women's March on Versailles
Louis XVI's Failed Attempt to Flee France
Led to his family's capture. Found guilty for treason -
September Massacres
National Convention Rules France
Abolition of Royalty
Execution of Louis XVI
Charlotte Corday murders Jean-Paul Marat
The Terror
Execution of Marie Antoinette
Thermidorian Reaction
Robespierre's Execution
The Directory Rules France
Napoleon’s Coup d’Etat
Overthrow of Directory -
Napoleon Becomes First Consul of France