Napoleon on horseback at  007

The French Revolution

By Pandy
  • Estates General

    Louis XVI calls the Estates General. The assembly calls together all three French classes, in order to pass the a nobility tax
  • National Assembly

    The third estate creates the National Assembly in order to enact laws and reforms for the people of France.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Third estate is locked out of the estates general. Instead they create the tennis court oath and decide they need a new consitituion.
  • Storming the Bastille

    King Louis sends troops to surround Versaillies. After hearing this, the people strom Bastille, obtain weapons, and kill the guards. This marked the first symbolic act of the Revolution
  • A Great Fear

    Wild rumors and a wave of sensless fear circulated France. Peasants terroized nobles and rioted. The people wanted the king and queen to return to paris.
  • Legislative Assembly

    The National Assembly completed the new constituion which king louis approved. The new constituion called for a legislative assembly to create laws and approve or reject declarations of war.
  • Jacobins Convict Louis

    The Jacobins, a radical political organization, take control. The Jacobins convince the Convention that King Louis is guilty of treason and Louis is beheaded by the guillotine.
  • Reign of Terror

    Maximilien Robespierre becomes leader of the Committee of Public Safety. Robespierre had as many as 40,000 people (mostly peasants) executed durring the Terror.
  • End of Terror

    The National Convention turns on Robespierre and demanded his execution by guillotine, ending the reign of terror.
  • Napoleon Seizes Power

    Napoleon stages a coup d'etat, taking power away from the Directory, and becomes France's dictator.
  • Napoleon as a Ruler

    Napoleon reforms the government and creates laws in favor of the people. Napoleon created the plebiscite, a national banking system, lycees, the naopleonic code and he signed the concordat, all of which were for the people's benefit.
  • France has a new Emperor

    Napoleon decides to make himself emperor in 1804 and the French voters support him.
  • Napoleon is Banished

    As Napoleon's enemies began to understand his weaknesses, the European powers came together to defeat him. As a result they exiled him to Elba.
  • Congress of Vienna

    At the Congress of Vienna European governments got toghether to creat peace. Austrian Prince Klemens von Metternich wanted to do three things. He wanted to contrain France, restore the balance of power, and restore the royal families to the French throne.
  • 100 days

    Napoleon escapes from Elba and returns to France. He once again becomes emperor but is defeated at Waterloo ending his last bid for power (100 days).