The French Revolution

  • King Louis Calls the Estates General Together

    Facing crippling debt, the monarch of France, King Louis XVI assembles the Three Estates. Louis wishes to raise the taxes on the citizens of France, but law states that he can only do so with the approval of the Three Estates. However, what Louis did not predict was that the First Estate and the Second Estate would vote to only raise taxes on the Third Estate. This angers members of the Third Estate, who represent over 95 percent of the French population.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    The crowd surrounding the perimeter of the Palais-Royal would break into the prisons and open them releasing people such as the grenadiers. The French guards would be imprisoned for not putting fire on people meaning that they would escape unharmed.
  • War against Austria

    War against Austria would be a disaster for the French since Prussia later joined in and everyone was looking for someone to blame for starting the war. They would look towards King Louis XVI which would put him on the hot seat of creating the tension and starting the war with Austria.
  • Imprisonment of the Royal Family

    August 10th, 1792, popular militias of France would swarm the Tuileries Palace during the evening. They initially targeted the king but ran into the Swiss guards who had sworn the king's protection. moments later, the Royal Family would be imprisoned and the monarchy would be suspended.
  • Napoleon’s Career

    Napoleon would serve as a second lieutenant at an artillery regiment which was training. He served in Valence and Auxonne. He spent his early years of the Revolution in Corsica, fighting in a complex three way battle. He would then be promoted to captain in a platoon in 1792.
  • Aftermath of August 10

    August 10, 1792, would go down as one of the most defining events in French history since it would start the downfall of the French Monarchy. The National Convention would be forced to write a new constitution and become the new head leader of government for France.
  • Execution of King Louis XVI

    On January 21st, 1793, King Louis XVI would awake one final time. He had woken up early in the morning, and was later put into a carriage and dropped off to Place De La Revolution later that day. He would then be surrounded by a crowd filled with spikes and bayonets while listening to the sounds of guns and drums. Louis would then breathe his last breaths as he was executed later on that day.
  • Aftermath of the Execution

    People apart of the Montagards, would meet to come up with a committee, called the committee of Public Safety under the rule of Robespierre. They thought that this committee would take all accountability for the actions for the Reign Of Terror.
  • Adoption of the First Republican Constitution

    The National Convention, which was the first thing the French assembled ever since they were granted universal male suffrage, would be accountable for adopting the first republican constitution of France.
  • The Reign Of Terror

    The Reign of Terror was a bloody period of time and was caused by the Jacobins and the Girondins, France's two rival political factions. This period of time would mainly contain executions of any person, even high ranked, who opposed the ideas of revolution.
  • The Fall of Robespierre

    On July 27, 1794, Robespierre would fall from power and leader of France and would be overthrown following his conflicts between the people who wanted more power for the Committee. Robespierre would try to attempt suicide but the bullet would hit his jaw meaning he failed at ending his own life. He would be beheaded the day after.
  • Napoleon as a Military Leader

    Napoleon and Robespierre were really close with one another. Robespierre has fallen from being named Leader of France since he was arrested. But he would be released in just two weeks! People would confront him asking about specific information on France’s War including Austria.
  • Aftermath of Robespierre’s death

    After Robespierre was executed, the jacobins would then go quiet and the Girondins were restored to peace. A year after that, the National Convention would take all responsibility over the French constitution. They would mark their statement by doing many things such as, releasing prisoners in large amounts, initiated elections for a new legislature branch, and finally reestablished freedom of worship.
  • Conquest of Italy

    Napoleon would set to lead his army into Italy to conquer it to become more powerful on his military resume. Although Napoleon was outnumbered he would still find a way to win, his army would do lots of work capturing prisoners cannons and standards.
  • Napolean’s Rise to Power

    Napolean’s huge victories with Italy shaded his Egyptian defeats during the French Revolution. His position at home would only become stro by er since the directory relied on the military. Napoleon would be named the strongest enemy of the same government that he was working with.
  • The 18th Brumaire

    Although Napoleon would try to capture Egypt for his own after conquering Italy, he would fail drastically since his death numbers would come from a low of 30 and sky rocket to a high of 580. He would also fail even more on his quest by bringing out approximately 1000 wounded men. Despite all this, he would be surprised with a warm welcome home.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    The Battle of Waterloo was the final battle of the French Revolution and it was the last battle Napoleon Boneparte ever fought in. The Battle of Waterloo was fought in present day Belgium. Napoleon’s French forces were outnumbered by the combined armies of the English and the Prussians, led by British officer the Duke of Wellington. When Napoleon was defeated, the French throne was once again given to King Louis XVIII.