french revolution
The Paris parlement adopts a motion, prepared by Duval d'Epremesnil, in which they declare it their duty "to oppose firmly ... all plans that could jeopardize the rights and obligations of the Nation." They further establish that it is "the right of the Courts to verify in every province the King's will and to refuse the registration except if they are consistent with constitutive laws of the province and the fundamental laws of the State." -
french revolution
The members of the National Assembly, now without a meeting hall, gather in Louis' indoor tennis court. They declare their goal to switch from absolute monarchy to constitutional monarchy. Hence, a written constitution is needed. With only one vote (Martin Dauch) against it, the Assembly takes an oath not to separate before they have given France a constitution. -
french revoltion
In response to the Bagarre de Nimes, a massive crowd of around 20,000 members of the National Guard and many Catholics gather at the Camp de Jalès, with the collective desire to re-install the absolute monarchy and the Catholic Church as the only religious option. Jales is located in the province of Vivarais (today's Ardèche département), approx. one and a half car hours north of Nimes. -
french revolution
King Louis XVI signs the new constitution in front of the National Assembly. Also on September 14, 1791: The Assembly issues a decree that approves the integration of the city of Avignon and the province Comtat Venaissin, formerly property of the Pope. After more than 500 years, they are once again part of France. -
french revolution
Louis presents his defense. "By speaking perhaps for the last time, I declare that my conscience does not reproach me, and that my defense counsel has told you the truth." This is the second and last time that Louis personally appears at his trial. Louis' lawyers respond and plead not guilty on all 33 counts. -
french revolution
Execution of Louis XVI at Paris. -
french revolution
Former Queen Marie Antoinette is guillotined. -
french revolution
He was killed because he went too far with his revolutionary ideas. He killed thousands of people, sending them to the guillotine, just because they still believed in the monarchial system Maximilien Robespierre wanted to get rid of so desperately. He killed everybody that thought differently than him. -
french revolution
French constitution established during the French Revolution. This constitution was ratified by the National Convention. This constitution established the Directory. It also concentrated on governmental restructuring during this time period. -
french revolution
Napolean had demonstrated made successes early on in his life. His military career was prevelant when he drove out British forces out of the French port of Toulon and when he won victories against Austrians. His successes made him ambitious. He became popular in France as a hero. He became a political leader, and installed a Coup d'Etat. He later overthrew a Directory and set up a Consulate. He then took up a title of First Consul for life. -
french revolutio
An agreement between Napoleon and Pope Pius VII that strengthened the Roman Catholic Church as the superior church in France. Napoleon was making peace with the Catholic church, once an enemy of the Revolution. The church was also made in favor of the state, but also recognized religious freedom for catholics. This allowed him to win favor with Catholics, and peasantry. -
french revolution
His Russian ally was not agreeing with his Continental System, so he made the decision to invade Russia, a mistake. He led many of his troops, the Grande Armee, into Russia. However, the Russians had a tactic of schorched-earth-policy that they used, in which the Russians burned everything as they moved East, leaving nothing for the French. Napoleon captured Moscow, but it was also destroyed. The weather was an element that did not help. The winter Killed thousands of his army. He was defeated. -
french revolution
The new alliance of Russia, Britain, Austria, and Prussia went against weak France. Napoleon was forced to step down from power as his enemies confined France. The winners exiled him to an island in the Mediterranean Sea called, Elba. -
french revolution
Diplomats sat down at the Congress of Vienna to restore Europe's stability after the Napoleonic and Revolutionary Wars. The diplomats dined at parties, however, spied were paid to seek information of what people were saying. Tha main goal of the decsion makers was to establish a balance of power and protect the system of monarchs. This would help create peace. Balance of power took place when map of Europe were redrawn. -
french revolution
Napoleon escaped his exile on Elba with his intentions of ruling France again when Louis XVIII was renewed as king. Napoleon was successful in his triumphant advance. However, the allies resetablished their troops. Opposing armies met near the town of Waterloo in Belgium. The British and the Prussians managed to defeat Napoleon. Napoloean was once again exiled, but this time to St. Helena.