The French Revolution

  • Meeting of the Estates General

    Meeting of the Estates General
    May 5, 1789 Louis XVI callas the Estates-General to an assembly. In this assembly they were going to call out problems that were happening in the country. It is important because the three Estates were going to meet and discuss.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • The Estate-General Declares themsleves the National Assembly

    The Estate-General Declares themsleves the National Assembly
    The third estate delcare themselves the National Assembly. With this assembly they were going to make France a Republic. It is importnant because the National Assembly was the one that started the revolution.
  • The Start of the French Revolution

    The Start of the French Revolution
    The people tookmover the Bastille, a prioson for people from the politics. This prison was a simbol for the French Monarchy. The people broke into the prison and killed lots of guards. It is important because if it weren't for that France would have monarchs till this day.
  • The end of the Old Regime

    The end of the Old Regime
    The feudalism system was abolished in France and the Old Regime no longer existed. It is importante because there was no loner three estates, and people were free now.
  • Declaration of the rights of man and citizen

    Declaration of the rights of man and citizen
    The declaration of the rights of man and citizens. French citizens nor had rights. It is important because citizens now have rights and the government cannot make the people miserable.
  • Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette unsuccessfully tried to escape from France.

    Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette unsuccessfully tried to escape from France.
    King Louis and his family were tyring to escape to Austria (hometown of the Queen) but were caught near the border and brought back to Paris. This is important because then the kings would be alive and would not pay for what they did.
  • Fall of the French Monarchy

    Fall of the French Monarchy
    The citizens attack the palace of the tuleries. After that event monarchy fell in France. It is important because the monarchy type government would not return to France.
  • Monarchy abolished in France

    Monarchy abolished in France
    Monarchy was completly abolished in France. There was no longer Monarchy in France. It is important because it made France free of any monarchs.
  • King Louis XVI is executed

    King Louis XVI is executed
    King Louis XVI of France is executed in the guillotine. The people in France were tired of him because he did very bad decisions for the country. e was killedduring the Reign of Terror.
  • France Delcares War on GB and The Netherlands

    France Delcares War on GB and The Netherlands
    France delcares war on Great Britain and on The Netherlands in the middle of their revolutionary war.