The French Revolution by Blair Wasser

  • Alliance Wedding

    Alliance Wedding
    Louis Bourbon of France and Marie Antoinette of Austria are married in order to create an alliance between their two countries
  • Aiding the Revolution

    Aiding the Revolution
    Benjamin Franklin went to France and signed the Treaty of Amity and Commerce and the Treaty of Alliance which ensured the French aid to the revolutionaries effectivly leading to the bankruptcy of France.
  • Forming The National Assembly

    Forming The National Assembly
    The first new government of France is put into place with the singular goal of creating a fair and just Constitution
  • Taking The Tennis Court Oath

    Taking The Tennis Court Oath
    Members of the Third Esate were locked out of the were locked out of the Estates General meeting so they broke into a nearby tennis court and pleaded to not disband until a Constitution had been written
  • Storming Of The Bastille

    Storming Of The Bastille
    The memebers of the Third Estate storm the political prison known as the Bastille stealing weapons from it before tearing it down brick by brick as to make a statement that they will no longer be opressed.
  • The Decleration Of The Rights Of Men

    The Decleration Of The Rights Of Men
    A document outlining equality and liberty to be given to every man is offically approved by the National Assembly
  • March Of Versailles

    March Of Versailles
    Some 7,000 women of the fish market march with pitchforks, pikes, and muskets to the Palace of Versailles demanding bread for the poor
  • The Royalty Attempt Escape

    The Royalty Attempt Escape
    King Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, and their children put on disguies and attempt to leave France. Unfourtunately, they are recognized and are paraded through Paris before being returned to the Tuileries Palace and are put under constant watch
  • Period: to

    War With Austria (and Friends)

    The Jacobins were outnumbered in the Legislative Assembly sending France into war with Austria and Prussia with other countries joining in later on
  • Guillotine Debut

    Guillotine Debut
    The first execution via the guillotine is carried out but certainly not the last
  • The Killing Of A King

    The Killing Of A King
    King Louise XVI was beheaded on this day in front of a roaring crowd on the grounds of treason
  • Murdering Marat

    Murdering Marat
    Charlotte Corday goes to see Marat under the pretense of giving him another list of traitors but actually kills him as he reads the list
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    The Reign Of Terror

    A purge of France entended to kill all those who opposed the Revolution killing around 25,000 people in the process even with little to no information
  • Killing The Last Queen

    Killing The Last Queen
    Marie Antoniette is found guilt and it put to death via the guillotine on the grounds of treason, incest, and gambling.
  • The End Of Robespierre

    The End Of Robespierre
    Maxilimian Robespierre, a once prominent figure in the revolution but has turned to become an absolute ruler is taken to the guillotine with a shattered jaw after a failed suicide attempt
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    The Civil Code is finally approved and it is the new legal framework for the country laying out the first clear set of laws to be enforced in France
  • Napoleon's Coronation

    Napoleon's Coronation
    Napoleon Bonaparte was officially crowned Emperor of France at the Cathedral of Notre-Dame in a grand,expensive spectacle
  • Exile To Elba

    Exile To Elba
    Napoleon is exiled after being defeated at Battle of Leipzig and failing to unite all of Eurpope leading to neighboring nations to dethrone him and exile him under the terms of the Treaty of Fontainebleau
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    Congress Of Vienna

    A council brought together to see how Europe would be divided up and reorganized after the chaotic Napoleonic Wars. It strengthed borders and gave countries new bits of land to call their own while being careful not to make France too powerful
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    100 Days Between Rulers

    The final campaign of the Napoleonic Wars and Napoleon's last grab for the throne. Napoleon easily took control of the government with an army at his back and decided to strike down the only forces that could defy him, England and Prussia. Bonaparte chased Wellington of England and the Battle of Waterloo was fought with the French losing before Louis XVIII took back power from the defeated general