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TT- French Revolution

  • Louis calls Estates-General

    Louis calls Estates-General
    Louis, in an effort to help solve the countries financial problems, calls together the Estates-General, which had not met for decades. It was made up of representatives from each estate.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    When the third estate was locked out of a meeting of Estates-General, they moved to a nearly indoor tennis court (which was actually a handball court) and made an oath not to disassemble as a national assembly until a constitution is established.
  • Storming of Bastille

    Storming of Bastille
    Having recently "aqquired" muskets, the partisans of the Third Estate raided the Bastille Prison in search of the gun powder that was stored there.
  • Declaration of Rights of Man

    Declaration of Rights of Man
    A document made by France's "National Assembly" that focused mainly on the rights of man, social contract, and individuality.
  • March to Versailles

    March to Versailles
    With the king and queen living in luxury, and the people in poverty, working class women marched to the kings palace in Versailles, and demanded that the king and queen move to Paris.
  • Trial of Louis XVI

    Trial of Louis XVI
    Former King of France was put on trial and eventually executed. Before his execution, he attempted to make a speech, but it was drowned out by drumroll.
  • The Terror

    The Terror
    A time in the french revolution where Jacobin leader, Robespeirre, executed virtually anyone who was in his way, and quite a few who were not.
  • Robespierre's Death

    Robespierre's Death
    Robespierre, in what seemed to be an attempted suicide, had shattered his jaw and was dying, he was guillotined the next day without trial