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The French Revolution

By Garita
  • Period: to

    National Assembly and Constituent Assembly

  • The National Assembly

    The National Assembly
    The Third Estate asked for a new voting system in which each representative would vote individually.
    When the king refused, the Third Estate decided to form a National Assembly.
    The king locked it, so they met at a tennis court.
    Saying that they wouldn't leave it until France had a constitution. Link: https://youtu.be/QQKsdLdlxbc
  • The Constituent Assembly

    The Constituent Assembly
    Finally, the king agreed to the Third Estate's demands.
    A new Constituent Assembly was formed to write a constitution.
  • The storming of the Bastille

    The storming of the Bastille
    Troops were being sent to Versailles led to a riot in Paris on 14 July 1789, in which people attacked the Bastille with the help of the national guard.
    In response to these event, The Constituent Assembly decided to abolished feudal privileges and the tithes paid by the peasantry to the clergy. They also established equality in the payment of taxes. Link: https://youtu.be/hyPBp29GTQI
  • Civil Constitution of the Clergy

    Civil Constitution of the Clergy
    The Constituent Assembly subordinated the church to the french state. The clergy would now be paid by the state and would be elected by the people. All of this measures led to discontent among part of the clergy and to emigration of many nobles. These people became counterrevolutionaries and began a campaign to defeat the revolution.
  • Constitution

    The assembly approved the constitution, which established:
    A constitutional monarchy --> The powers of the monarchs were limited by a constitution.
    Only men with certain amount of property could vote.
    The separation of powers --> Executive (monarch) , Legislative (assembly) and Judicial powers (courts).
  • The Legislative Assembly

    The Legislative Assembly
    France's defeats at the hands of the European armies and Louis XVI's reluctance accept the revolutionary changes caused unrest among the population.
  • Two main political groups

    Two main political groups
    The Girondins --> Represented the wealthy bourgeoisie.They had moderate views and supported the constitutional monarchy.
    The Jacobins --> Represented the petite bourgeoisie.They had more radical views and they wanted to abolish the monarchy.
  • Period: to

    The Legislative Assembly

  • Attack on the Tuileries Palace

    Attack on the Tuileries Palace
    The people of Paris revolted and attacked the Tuileries Palace. As a result of this event, Louis XVI was imprisoned, the monarchy was abolished and France became a republic. Link: https://youtu.be/xQS3g4gfZYM
  • The Convention

    The Convention
    This was the most radical phase of the revolution. A new assembly called the Convention was elected.
  • Period: to

    The Convention

  • Execute of Louis XVI

    Execute of Louis XVI
    The Convention agreed to execute him for treason and he was beheaded by guillotine.
  • The Terror

    The Terror
    The Jacobins took control of the government and imposed a dictatorship know as the terror. It's with this name because anyone suspected of opposing the revolution could be executed. The jacobins were led by Robespierre and supported by the sans-culottes ( radical Parisian labourers). link: https://youtu.be/i5pyOApYPMc
  • The Directory

    The Directory
    In 1795, They adopted a new constitution. This constitution re-established limited male suffrage and it also introduced a new form of government called the directory. Thod was more conservation government that was made up of five members.
  • Period: to

    The Directory and The Consulate

  • Napoleon Bonaparte

    Napoleon Bonaparte
    In 1799 General Napoleon Bonaparte organised a military coup. He aimed to restore peace at home and abroad. link: https://youtu.be/gUOsMQhiQcQ
  • The Consulate

    The Consulate
    Napoleon established a new form of government called The Consulate. It was made up of three consuls, including napoleon as First Consul. Napoleon was named First consul for life. This allowed him to introduce reforms to end France's political and economic instability.