The French Revolution

By Mahawa
  • Period: to

    The French Revolution 1789-1815

  • The Tennis Court Oath

    The Tennis Court Oath
    The Third Estate delegates were locked out their meeting room; they broke down a door to an indoor tennis court where they made the pledge to always stay together until a written constitution was made.
    This date held significance because it ensured a written constitution to be made in France.
    Source: ebook
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    When rumors spread about foreign troops heading to Paris, the people became scared and started arming themselves with weapons in order to defend the city, later on resulting in the attack of the Bastille Prison by an angry mob.
    This event marked the beginning of the French Revolution.
    Source: ebook
  • Women’s March on Versailles

    Women’s March on Versailles
    Thousands of women rioted over the increasing prices of bread by brandishing knives, axes and other weapons as they marched to Versailles.
    This was an important event because it gave confidence to the revolutionaries in the power of the people.
    Source: ebook
  • The Abolishment Monarchy

    The Abolishment Monarchy
    Due to constant food shortages and the crisis in the economy, the people of France's demand for freedom and justice grew. After the imprisonment of the King and Queen of France, monarchy was abolished.
    This was significant because it showed the result and effort of the people as they fought for freedom against an unjust system.
  • Execution of Louis XVI

    Execution of Louis XVI
    After being demoted as ab common citizen by the national Convention, Louis was held prisoner before given a trial by the Jacobins. He was found guilty and by vote, sentenced to death by the guillotine.
    This event was important as it marked the end of the reign of Louis XVI.
    Source: ebook
  • The Beginning of the Reign of Terror

    The Beginning of the Reign of Terror
    The National Convention, directed by Robespierre, created a Committee which eliminated all those who might attack the new nation.
    This marked an important event due to all the people who died either by execution or imprisonment.
    Source: eBook
  • The End of the Reign of Terror

    The End of the Reign of Terror
    Due to his increasing killing of innocent people in France, Robespierre met the same fate as he too is killed by the guillotine, ending his terror.
    This marks the end of Robespierre's reign of terror.
    Source: ebook
  • The Rise of Napoleon

    The Rise of Napoleon
    During the French Revolution, Napoleon quickly rose through the ranks in the military. This was due to his numerous victories won against continental enemies.
    This was important because it brought peace to France for the first time in years.
  • Napoleon Crowns Himself Emperor

    Napoleon Crowns Himself Emperor
    Napoleon decided to crown himself emperor as he was supported by French voters. He took the crown from the pope and placed it on his head, marking himself as being more powerful than the church.
    This was important as it showed the people of France his strength and power.
    Source: ebook
  • The Battle of Borodino

    The Battle of Borodino
    Napoleon led a huge army to invade Russia, named the Battle of Borodino which resulted in him losing many of his French warriors.
    This was an important event as it marked a major defeat for napoleon.
    Source: ebook