mariage of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette
the French and the Austrians wanted an alliance between the two Louis XV offered his grand son and the austrians offered Marie. the two were married and an alliance was formed -
king louis xv dies
King Louis xv dies and leaves louis xvi to rise to power even though he is not ready to take the thrown -
The Estates General is called
King Louis messed up and needed money, the nobilaty would not help so he called the estates general to vote and make the third estate pay more money in taxes to help them out of the debt -
Third Estate kicked out, tennis court oath starts
After the 3rd estate was locked out of the estates general they protested and stormed the palace and took over the "tennis court". At the Tennis court they said that they will reform the goverment -
Storming of the Bastille
The members of the Third Estate were fed up but to revolt they needed weapons so they stormed the bastille which is a prison that Louis xv and xvi put innocent people in, this storming served as a symbol and a way for the people to get weapons -
The Delecration of the Rights of Men
After the people took over the goverment they decided that they needed to make a consitution, so the national assembly wrote this document -
The Fish Ladies march
The ladies from the fish market decided one day to storm the palace of versaille and demanded the queen so they could kill her, thousands march outside the castle and when they wouldnt hand over the queen they stormed in and destoryed her bed -
King Louis XVI signs the declaration
After the palace is stormed Louis is pressured into signing the declaration of the rights of men and it limits his power by a great amount. The King and Queen are also forced to move to their old palace in paris -
King Louis XVI and his wife try to escape to Austria
After threat of them being completely over thrown and maybe put to death, king louis xvi and marie try to escape to marie's family in austria to escape the radicals in paris and all of france -
The New Death Device is born
the guillotine is made to where everyone of every class with be killed the exact same way and there would be no more tourture and miss treatment to certain people of different classes -
the legislative assembly fights over war
the legislative assembly was another form of goverment that the people made after the national assembly the downside to this goverment was that two of the three groups want to go to war with austria and prussia but they have no money because of the revolution, they go to war anyway -
The National Convention Forms
After 27,000 people storm the palace in paris the jacobins decide its time to form a new type of goverment and the man in charge is maximillion robespire -
The Republic is formed
after the national convention takes power they decide to form a reoublic where everyone could vote -
The Men in Charge Slowly die off
ones Robespire takes power he kills off his right hand man georges Danton and his other right hand man is assassinated by a commener who is tired of him accusing random people for betraying the country, Robespire ends up being captured by his own men for him having to much power and acting like a mad man -
King Louis XVI Is Exucuted in front of paris
the people are fed up still and to prove that their cause is a real movment in the right direction they national convention desides its time to put king louis in the guillotine and cut off his head infront of a huge crowd in central paris -
The Directory
after robespirre is arrested by his fellow jacobins, the farm hands take power but they are very manpulated and they did not have the best form of goverment and ended up being taken over by napoleon -
the crowning of empeor napoleon
Napoleon took over all political power in france in 1799 from a coup d’état. he officaly crowned himslelf emperor in 1804. -
passing of theh civil code
Napoelon decided to revise many of the laws that were still in action for laws that will actually make sense to what time period theyre in. he made it a more civil way to live where you have to have a legit reasont to be arrested -
exile to Elba
After napoleon tried to take over Russia and invaded them the other European countires which lead to a defeat to his armies and forced him to retreat, after this the french forced napoleon off the thrown and into exile -
100 days
After his exile to Elba Napoleon had many military men follow him in a march to Paris, after he gained power again he went onto the battle of Waterloo where many casualties happened to both sides of the war and this lead to napoleon to be exiled again but to a small island called st helena -
Congress of vienna
after the downfall of napoleon the European nations had to rebuild themselves, After the wars damaged a lot of the structure in Europe countries had to rebuild themselves, nations form new alliances in between each other and form their own countires togehter. -
i used history.com for the napoleon time line questions and the video/notes for everything related to the french revolution