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The French Revolution

  • Meeting of the Estates General

    Meeting of the Estates General
    On May 5, Louis XVI calls for its first meeting since 1614. With disagreement, the Parlement of Paris steeped in and brought upon an old rule that everyone has one vote. The Third Estate’s vote was overuled by votes of the clergy and nobility.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    This event occurred in Paris, France. Troops storm out and tear down the Bastille, a prison and royal fortress that was to symbolize the tyranny of Bourbon Monarchs. This event was known to be the beggining of the French Revolution.
  • The Declaration of the Rights of Man & Citizen

    The Declaration of the Rights of Man & Citizen
    The Declaration of the Rights of Man & Citizen is a document regarding the history of human civil rights that was approved August 26, 1789. On this day the National Assembly of France recalled 17 different rights of the man and the citizen.
  • Women’s March on Versailles

    Women’s March on Versailles
    This event, also known as the October March and The October Days, is a march where women and some men march through the rain and demand bread for their families. The King agreed to meet some protesters and to distribute Versallies to the crowd. When the Ntional Guard arrived, they took the King back to Paris.
  • France Declares War on Austria

    France Declares War on Austria
    The Legislative Assembly declared on Austria. although slacked performance at first, their armies strength greatened throughout the war. After oberthrowing King Louis XVI France and Austria had trouble in the re-establishment.
  • The Execution of King Louis

    The Execution of King Louis
    The Execution of King Louis took place at the Place de la Révolution in Paris. He was executed with a guillotine because he was excused from conspiracy with foreigners and sentenced death by National Convention.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

    A time period in the French Revolution where harsh violence was present in favor of suspected enemies of the Revolution (nobles, priests, etc.). The radical Jacobins, the supporters of Robespierre, thought that the Terror must be stopped. Many were executed during this time, led by Maximilien Robespierre who was the leader Committee of Public Safety. Once he was killed, moderates were allowed to take control.
  • Execution of Marie Antoinette

    Execution of Marie Antoinette
    On October 14, 1793, Antoinette was convicted of high treason by the Revolutionary Tribunal. She was soon executed in the same place of King Louis, Place de la Révolution on a guilletene on October 16, 1793.
  • Execution of Robespierre

    Execution of Robespierre
    The architect of the French Revolutions Reign of Terror is arrested and overthrown by the National Convention. Throughout his lead in the Committee of Safety, he encouraged over 17,000 excutions to so-called "enemies". So, others decide that he was not best for the Committee and that he needed to be excuted.
  • Napoleon’s Coup d'etat

    Napoleon’s Coup d'etat
    The Coup of 18 Brumaire brought General Napoleon Bonaparte power as the First Consul of France. Coup d'etat means to overthrow the government using military force. It overthrew the government, French Directory with the French Consulate. To some, this was the end of the revolution.