French fried revolution

The French Revolution.

  • Estates-General Meeting

    Estates-General Meeting
    First meeting in 175 years, An assembly of representatives from all 3 Estates. Held at Versailles to approve a new tax.
  • Establishment of the National Assembly.

    Establishment of the National Assembly.
    Delegates of the Third Estate voted to establish the National Assembly which proclaimed the end of absolute monarchy and the beginning of representative government.
  • Bread Riots.

    Bread Riots.
    Thousands of Parisian women rioted over the rising price of bread. Weilding knives, axes, and other weapons, the women marched on Versailles and demaned Louis and Marie Antoinette to return to Paris.
  • The King & Queen's Attempted Escape.

    The King & Queen's Attempted Escape.
    Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette attempt to escape from France to The Austrian Netherlands. They are apprehended and returned to Paris under guard.
  • Declaration of War.

    Declaration of War.
    Some European countries were worried that they may also face revolts, as in France, Austria & Prussia urged the French to restore Louis as absolute monarch. Legislative Assembly responded by declaring war.
  • Creation of the National Convention.

    Creation of the National Convention.
    The Legislative Assembly set aside the Constitution of 1791. This abolished the monarchy and declared France a republic.
  • Louis XVI is Killed.

    Louis XVI is Killed.
    Found guilty for treason, the former king is beheaded by the Guillotine. Later, Marie Antonette faces the same fate and is sent to the Guillotine
  • End of The Reign of Terror.

    End of The Reign of Terror.
    Members of the National Assembly feared for their lives and turned on Robespierre.He is sent to the Guillotine, ultimately ending his Reign of Terror.