The French Revolution

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    Jacques Necker

    Jacques was a Swiss banker and director general of finance. He was overrated in his time for somewhat skill with public finances and deprecated by historians for his alleged lack of statesmanship in the opening phases of the French Revolution.
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    Olympe De Gouges

    Olympe de Gouges was a French writer who challenged conventional views on the role of women as citizens in 1791. "as the French Revolution continued, she published the pamphlet Déclaration des droits de la femme et de la citoyenne as a reply to the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the male citizen , which had been adopted two years earlier by the National Assembly (Kuiper). "
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    Louis XVI

    Louis XVI was the king of France that supported the colonists in the American Revolution that brought France to the verge of bankruptcy. He 1st appeared in the French Revolution, by being part of the monarchy that many people in the country were trying to get rid of
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    Marie Antoinette

    Marie Antoinette was the queen before and during the start of the French Revolution. She first appeared in the French Revolution on July 14 1789 when the Bastille was stormed, and was overthrown by French revolutionists.
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    Marquis de Lafayette

    He was a French aristocrat that fought in the American Revolution, and when he came back to France, and at the start of the French Revolution, became one of the most powerful men in France.
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    Maximillien Roespierre

    Maximillien was a Jacobin leader that came to dominate the Committee of Public Safety. He ended up being overthrown and executed in the termidorian reaction.
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    Napoleon Bonaparte

    Napoleon Bonaparte was a french military leader and emperor who conquered much of Europe in the early 19th century. Napoleon successfully waged war against European nations and expanded his empire.
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    The Bourgeoisie were the most wealthy of the third estate of France during the French Revolution. They played a heroic role of revolutionizing industry and modernizing industry. They 1st appeared in the French Revolution on XXX.
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    Napoleon Overthrows the Directory

    Napoleon rapidly rose through the ranks of the military during the French Revolution. After seizing political power in France, he crowned himself emperor . Napoleon successfully waged war against various coalitions of European nations and expanded his empire.
  • Cahiers

    The cahiers de doléancesn were lists of complaints and opinions of French citizens concerning problems in the kingdom of France. The cahiers de doléances were written on occasion of the convocation of the Estates General.
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    Louis XIV summoned the meeting of the Estates General

    Louis called the Estates General because France was having financial problems due to Louis XIV' s lavish spending and that nobility and clergy did not have to pay taxes, leading to France being in debt. During this time all the estates were assembled and discussed who had the power to decide on the levying of new taxes and undertake reforms.The commoner were displeased with mediocre results, and the revolution begun. He first appeared in the French Revolution on XXXX
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    Around 1000 Parisians were involved in the successful storming of the Bastille. The event inspired many French people of the third estate to take up arms against the nobility. This uprising was really where the French Revolution escalated. This event also showed that ordinary citizens can lead to great change. The storming also brought a sense of hope to the third estate.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Men

    Declaration of the Rights of Men
    The declaration took away privileges enjoyed by the nobles and clergy and also supported individual and collective rights of all people.The 17 articles of the declaration set out these principles and became the basis of the new French constitution.
  • Establishment of New Constitution

    Establishment of New Constitution
    The desire to make a Constitution was influenced by the American Revolution. After deliberation and mixed opinions, the National Assembly finally came up with the Constitution of 1791. This Constitution established popular sovereignty.
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    Napoleon Builds an Empire

    Napoleon commanded a French army that defeated the larger armies of Austria. His army was victorious over the Mamlucks at the Battle of Pyramids.
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    This was a label for the more militant supporters of the movement of the Revolution. The people that this label was given to tended to be members of the poorer class.
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    The Jacobin was the most famous political group of the French Revolution, became identified with extreme egalitarianism and violence, led the Revolutionary government, and they were influenced by the American Revolution. They first enter the Revolution when the third estate cannot take anymore out the clergy and monarchy. He 1st appeared in the French Revolution on XXX
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    Execution of the King and Queen/ Beginning of the reign of terror

    In response to outside threats and to ensure that the gains made during the revolution would not be lost, the Convention executed Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. Fearing opposition within the country, revolutionary leaders began a campaign of suppression that became known as the Reign of Terror.The constitution was suspended and anyone who criticized the revolution was targeted. Over 10,000 people were executed.
  • Plebiscite

    "Plebiscite, a vote by the people of an entire country or district to decide on some issue, such as choice of a ruler or government, option for independence or annexation by another power, or a question of national policy (Britannica)."Plebiscite was popular after the French Revolution for it expressed popular sovereignty. Plebiscite in 1804 made Napoleon emperor.
  • Napoleon invades Russia

    Napoleon invades Russia
    Napoleon' s army invaded Russia, but due to the Russian army's scorched earth tactics, the French found it increasingly difficult to get food. The French suffered greatly ,and in the end fewer than 40, 000 men were left.
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    The Congress of Vienna

    The Congress of Vienna was the assembly that reorganized Europe after the Napoleonic Wars. This treaty was the most comprehensive that Europe had seen.
  • Napoleon defeated at waterloo

    Napoleon defeated at waterloo
    At Waterloo in Belgium, Napoleon suffers defeat at the hands of the Duke of Wellington, bringing an end to the Napoleonic era of European history. Over 25,000 French soldiers were either killed or injured in battle.