The French Revolution

  • Economic decline

    The French economy declines, affecting the working classes.
  • Period: to

    The Events of the French Revolution

    What occurred during the French Revolution?
  • The National Assembly

    The Third Estate declares itself the National Assembly due to limited power.
  • The Estates-General meets

    Due to the declining economy, king Louis XVI orders a meeting of the Estates-General, which includes all of the Estates.
  • Stroming the Bastille

    French subjects, having their meeting prevented by mercenary soldiers, free seven prisoners and raid weapons from the Bastille prison.
  • Hungry Raid

    Many Parisian women, furious over the rising price of bread, raided Versailles, the royal palace, armed and ask the government to provide bread.
  • The Great Terror begins

    The increasing power of Maximilien Robespierre allows him to attempt to erase elements of France's past. He made a new calendar and closed all churches in Paris. He became a dictator, executing approximately 40,000 people.
  • The Great Terror ends

    Some members of the National Assembly decided to assassinate Robespierre. Robespierre was tried and executed.
  • Bonaparte assumes power

    Napoleon Bonaparte, skilled at firearms, assumes the power of a dictator. He won military victories early in his reign.
  • The exile of Bonaparte

    Boanparte, having been defeated by other Europeans, was exhiled to an island near southern Italy, Elba. He spent a year there, and eventually escaped.
  • Bourbon monarchy is restored

    The brother of Louis XVI, crowned Louis XVIII, assumes power over France. He was very unpopular.
  • The Congress of Vienna

    Some European rulers gather in Vienna to restore monarchy for eight months. They decide co-operatively to restore hereditary monarchy to their nations and maintain the monarchial governments. They also plan to help one another when at war.