the start of the french revolution
the french revolution started in July 14,1789.When revolutionaries stormed a prison called the Bastille to get weapons and gunpowder to overthrow the monarchy. -
the great fear begins
the great fear began on July 17,1789 the great fear was a general panic that took place between July 17,1789 trough august 3,1789 at the start of the french revolution -
the national assembly
on August 26,1789 the notional assembly creates the declaration of the rights of man and the citizen and in June 19,1790 the assembly abolishes all nobility and titles. -
the reign of terror
it started in July 1793 trough July 1794 it was when a person called Dr.guillotine made a executioner weapon called the guillotine that wold cut peoples had of and during the reign of terror in 1 year 17,000 people were executed the reign of terror was led by a group called the jacobins. -
Robespierre was the leader of the jacobins and would deside who would and wouldn't be executed and in that time one of the most powerful people in France and he began to get out of control so he was the last victim of the reign of terror. -
the End of the french revolution
the french revolution ended in November 9,1799 when napoleon Bonaparte took power