The French Revolution

  • tax plan approval

    tax plan approval
    A meeting of the Estates-General is called by Louis XVI in Versailles to discuss and approve a new tax plan.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • Fall of the Bastille

    Fall of the Bastille
    the fall of the Bastille was a symbol of the abuse of the Monarchy.
  • Declaration Of The Rights Of Men

    Declaration Of The Rights Of Men
    The National Assembly adopts the Declaration of the Rights of Man.
  • The royal Flight to Varennes

    The royal Flight to Varennes
    King louis XVI of France and his family attempt to escape from Paris but fail to do so.They escaped only as far as the small town of Varennes, where they were arrested after having been recognized.
  • accepting the Constitution

    accepting the Constitution
    France's King Louis XVI accepts constitution
  • Fall Of The French Monarchy

    Fall Of The French Monarchy
    the fall of the French monarchy after storming the Tuileries Palace by the National Guard. The King and his family remained unscathed, but he no longer had any authority. The crowd swept through Paris destroying all images of and references to the monarchy and the Assembly suspended the monarchy's powers.
  • Louis XVI is sentenced to the guillotine

    Louis XVI is sentenced to the guillotine
    After the King was found guilty, they took a vote and sentenced him to death,The Guillotine beheaded him. For the first time in thousands of years The French people were not ruled by a Monarch.
  • law of suspects

    law of suspects
    a term which is used to refer to an enactment passed on September 17, 1793 during the course of the French Revolution.
  • the Queens defense

    the Queens defense
    the trial of Marie Antoinette Queen of France
  • execution of all popular leaders

    execution of all popular leaders
    the Committee of Public Safety and Jacobin Club denounce the Hébertists and Dantonists on framed-up charges and execute all the popular leaders. Robespierre becomes virtually the dictator.
  • leader was over thrown

    leader was over thrown
    French revolutionary leader Maximilien Robespierre was overthrown and he was executed the next day.
  • mob attack National Convention

    mob attack National Convention
    Napoleon was in Paris when a large, angry Parisian mob of royalists tried to attack the ruling National Convention at the Tuileries Palace.Vicome Paul de Barras had been impressed by the military ability and asked nepoleon to defend the palace.
  • french directory

    french directory
    five-man revolutionary government, is created