
The French Revolution

  • Period: to

    The French Revolution

  • Call of the Estates Generals

    Call of the Estates Generals        
    King Louis XVI called the meeting to try and fix the state of French economy which was almost in a state of chaos. The meeting consisted of three social classes which were the nobles, clergy, and the peasants. The nobles and the clergy consisted of 3% of the population, whereas the peasants consisted of 97% of the population. I think that this was a very important part of the French Revolution because the peasant population wasn't included as much as the others and this really made them mad.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath                
    The people of the third group ( Peasants) gathered in a tennis court that was built for use of the palace of Versailles. The oath was that all of the member of the third estate would never sperate from each other until the was a written constitution. king Louis XVI then noticed this and ordered the Nobles and Clergy to join with the third estate. I think that this is important because this is the first time when the King noticed how mad the people of the third estate were, and what could happen.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille                    
    This event was a revolutionary part of the revolution because this is when the third estate was really noticed and they showed their power to the government. Thousands of the third class gathered outside the Bastille and demanded that the Bastille would be surrendered or they would use force, negotiations were made but nothing went through. After hours of waiting, the thousand from the third estate stormed Bastille which was a highly guarded building that housed and armory, prison, and fortress.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    Declaration of the Rights of Man                   
    The Declaration of the Rights of Man was set by France's National Constitution that displayed rules of civil human rights that was set during the French Revolution. The inscription was made by a set of Enlightenment philosophers and it gave statements of the values of the French Revolution. This declaration became very popular and it became a basis for a nation that had free individuals all protected by the law. This was important because it was in part of the development of Europe's democracy.
  • March of Versailles

    March of Versailles                            
    The women's march of Versailles was in due because of the shortages on food around France because of the astonishingly high bread and other essential food item prices. These women marched 12 miles to the palace in order to hopefully get traction in getting King Louis XVI to lower the food prices so that they had enough food to provide for themselves and their family. This was important in the revolution because this was officially the beginning of the forceful French revolution.
  • Civil Constitution of the Clergy

    Civil Constitution of the Clergy                            
    The Civil Constitution of the Clergy was a document attempting to reorganize the Roman Catholic in France. This document stated that the Clergy number of Bishops would be reduced from 135 members to 85 members. Unfortunately, this document caused a disagreement between a large amount of devoted Catholics and the revolution and eventually caused them to turn against it. I think that this event is important because this is when the higher class started to be treated more normal.
  • Royal Family Attempts to Flee

    Royal Family Attempts to Flee                                               
    This event was very significant because it was a very substantial time where you could start to notice that the King was afraid of what his country had became and was starting to treat this seriously, and frankly starting to be scared. The royal family fled Versailles after the peoples had started to intruded the building and attempt to find the king. When these things started to happen, the family snuck out the back hoping that the crowd would not see them flee, this did not work however.
  • Execution of the King

    Execution of the King                                              
    The execution of King Louis XVI took place in the Place de la Revolution were a makeshift scaffold was made for the event of the beheading. The King got to the destination by traveling there in a coach, and was accompanied by his confessor Henry Essex Edgeworth, and when they arrived, they were approached by a crowd of up to 200,000 revolutionist. This event is very important to the revolution because this is when the official dethroning of the king occurred, and when all the work payed off.
  • Reign of Terror Beginning

    Reign of Terror Beginning                                             
    The Reign of Terror was a period during the French Revolution that was masked by violence against people that were either suspected to be against the revolution or were proven that they were against it. These measures were often very harmful and could result in mass beheadings and other very harmful matters that could affect the persons view and their goals from that was to change others minds from this. This was important because it was a time where nothing in the government mattered.
  • Reign of Terror End

    Reign of Terror End                                                    
    The Reign of Terror came to a halt when it's leader Maximilien Robespierre was suddenly executed. During this time span of 10 months, up to 16,000 people who opposed what France had became had been beheaded, this also included the former queen Marie Antionette. The other part of the death toll was from the constant angry mob beat down which happened occasionally, and there were also those who were killed by nuns. This important because it was the end of a dark time, and showed a bright future.