Call of the Estates Generals
King Louis XVI calls forth the Estates General together which he hadn’t done in a very long time. This also featured the noblemen, the clergy, and the rest of France united. -
Tennis Court Oath
After being removed from the Estates General, the Third Estate forms the National Assembly. They then swear to the Tennis Court saying that they will not leave until they finished their job. -
Storming of the Bastille
Revolutionaries storm the Bastille because they’re angry. This helped them because it shows the people they’re not afraid of higher power and they’re against monarchy . They also stole guns and gunpowder from the prison. -
Declaration of the Rights of Man
When the declaration of the rights of man is written it states that all men are equal under the law. The women and children did not get affected by this law. -
March on Versailles
Parisian market women lead a march, almost like a protest on Versailles to speak out about scarcity and high price of bread. -
Civil Constitution of the Clergy
The Civil Constitution of the Clergy is published allowing the French government control of the Church. Due to badly needed money, the government starts to sell church land. This makes a lot of people angry because they are getting rid of the churches land. -
Royal Family attempts to flee
King Louis XVI and his family attempt to flee from France but are caught at Verannes. They are sent back to Paris where the King is forced to go on trial. In his trial he loses and he is killed in front of the whole town. -
Execution of the King
After being put on trial the king is sentenced to death. He is executed by the guillotine on January 21, 1793. This really showed the people that their was change happening and it didn’t matter who you are if you broke the law you had to be punished. -
Execution of Robespierre
Maximilien Robespierre, who is the leader of the Jacobins, is executed and the power of the Jacobins declines when he dies. The Girondins gain more power as a result of this. -
Reign of Terror
Thousands of people are sentenced to death by execution that is caused by conflict between two political parties the Jacobins, and the Girondins. The leader of the Jacobins, Maximilian becomes the new leader of the Revolution. Because of this people are confused and angry with the amount of people that died because of a conflict.