The French Revolution - Hanna Feehily

  • Arranged Marriage Of Marie Antoinette and Louis 16th

    Arranged Marriage Of Marie Antoinette and Louis 16th
    Marie Antoinette bewedded Louis the 16th in order to strengthen the alliance with Austria. Austria was France's longterm enemy.
  • Pierre Arrives at Verssiles

    Pierre Arrives at Verssiles
    Maximilien Robespierre travels to Verssiles to try to have a say in government.
  • Estates General Meeting in France

    Estates General Meeting in France
    The estates were called to a meeting to discuss how to fix France's bankruptcy using taxes.
  • Attack on Bastille

    Attack on Bastille
    The Third Estate has had enough with the king and attack the Bastlle to show Louis 16th that they hate his rule.
  • Marat Riots!

    Marat is outraged and decides to encouraged people to riot against the king.
  • Women's March On Versailles

    Women's March On Versailles
    Women fishers stormed to the King and Queens palace to kill them and on the way, many people joined. The King, Queen, and their children hid from the riot. The people stabbed Marie Antionette's bed when they couldn't find them.
  • Louis 16th and Marie Antoinette Try To Escape

    On this day, the King, his wife, and children dressed up as merchants to try to escape their home in Verssailles only to get caught.
  • France Declares War on Austria

    The frence hate Austria and declare war.
  • The People Will Riot

    People come and attack the King's gaurds right outside of the palace.
  • Louis The 16th Found Guilty

    King Louis the 16th was found guilty of Treason and was sentenced to death by execution.
  • The Loss of Marat

    Charlotte Corday travels to Paris to stab Marat in the chest while he was bathing.
  • Marie Antoinette Dies

    Marie Antoinette was found guilty of incest and is killed by execution.
  • Robbespierre Creates a Holiday ??

    A new holiday is created in honor of the goddess of reason.
  • Robespierre Gives a Speech

    He appears apon the national convention and gives a speech that almost no one agrees on.
  • Robespierre (finally) Dies

    After everybody getting sick and tired of the baboon, Robespierre is sentenced to death after trying to commit suicide.
  • Passing Of The Civil Code (Napoleonic Code)

    The Code represented a comprehensive reformation and codification of the French civil laws
  • The Coronation of Emperor Napoleon

    Marking the instantiation of modern empire, Napoleon Bonaparte was crowned Emperor.
  • Exile to Elba

    Napoleon was banished to Elba because he failed to unite Europe
  • Congress of Vienna

    Treaty to establish a new balance of power after Napoleon.
  • 100 Days (including Battle of Waterloo and Exile to St. Helena Island)

    The day Napoleon arrived in Paris after being exiled to Elba.