
The French Revolution

  • Period: to

    The Legacy of the French Revolution

    The French no longer remained devoted to the King, the Church, or the Nobalman. They were now loyal to the country and the principles of liberty and equality. This brand-new loyalty was destined to take root across Europe and the rest of the world.
  • The Estates General was Called

    The Estates General was Called
    On May the 5th 1789, his majisty King Louis XVI, called the Esates General, Which hadn't been called in over 150 years, to help try a resolve the economic issues the had been happening in France. The Estates General was a meeting of the three estates, the clergy, the nobility, and the commons. It was for everyone to come up with solutions for France's complications.
  • National Assembly Formed

    National Assembly Formed
    The National Assembly was formed by the representitives of the tired estate. It existed from June 17th, 1789 to September 29th, 1791. The assembly represented the common people of France. The people that were apart of the National Assembly demanded that the King make reforms to ensure that people had food to consume.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The third estate's dramatic act of defiance during the Estates-General meeting was the Tennis Court Oath. They relocated to a neighbouring tennis court when King Louis XVI chased them out of their customary meeting place and they got tired of believing that Louis XVI was pressuring them to break up. This event is known as the Tennis Court Oath because everyone took an oath to refrain from secession until a written constitution for France had been completed.
  • The Storming of the Bastille

    The Storming of the Bastille
    In France, there was a storming of the Bastille. The Bastille was assaulted by a vengeful and hostile mob; it was a state prison on the east side of Paris. The majority of the gang was Paris-based shop owners and craftsmen. They people who took part in the attack belonged to the third estate. The attack had been carried out by about 1000 persons. The revolution was launched with the attack on the prison.
  • Constitutional Monarchy

    Constitutional Monarchy
    The French Constitution of 1791 was forced upon the King by the National Constituent Assembly, transforming the Absolute Monarchy into a Constitutional Monarchy. The third estate's leadership made France a Constitutional Monarchy through the Constitution.
  • France, a Republic

    France, a Republic
    Power is gradually being shifted away from the king as a result of numerous changes in the government structure over time. They held the monarch as a hostage for many years following the storming of the Bastille. Later, all men who were older than 21 had the right to vote in elections. The electoral assembly proclaimed France a republic and ended the monarchy.
  • King & Queen Beheaded

    King & Queen Beheaded
    In Paris, France, the guilotine was used to execute both King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette. Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were both beheaded for treason, the King on January 21, 1793, and the Queen on October 16, 1793. 
  • The begining of the Reign of Terror

    The begining of the Reign of Terror
    The Committee of Public Safety, a group of individuals that dominated France at the time, Robespiere declared that fear would be "the order of the day" on September 5, 1793, which marked the beginning of the period. The Reign of Terror resulted in the murder and beheading of a great number of individuals.
  • The End of the Reign of Terror

    The End of the Reign of Terror
    On July 27, 1794, Robespiere was taken from power and put to death, putting an end to the Reign of Terror. Following the terror, the Committee of Public Safety lost its power, the jails were cleaned out, and the French Revolution shifted significantly toward the more moderate side.