The French Revolution

  • Geography that lead to the French revolution

    Bad weather led to a poor harvest- this led to a lack of flour
    The lack of flour led to a lack of bread. Supply and demand meant that the price of bread increased.
    People were so poor that they couldn’t even afford bread anymore
  • Declaration of the rights of man

    • “it sets out the natural and inalienable rights which are freedom ownership, security, resistance to oppression”
    • gave equal rights to everyone no matter of their class Inspired by enlightenment philosophers
  • National Assembly

    • Was formed by the third estate of the estates general The third estate was made up of commenters as had the majority of the population
    • soon some members from the second and first estates joined Goal was to form a constitutional monarchy and curb the control of the church and nobility
  • The estate general

    All three estates met to discuss Frances economic state
    The first and second estate voted the same and outnumbered the third estate in votes but not population
    The third estate tried to argue but was locked out of the meeting
  • Tennis court oath

    After being locked out the third estate met in a nearby tennis court and made an oath
    They declared themselves the National Assembly
  • French Revolution began

    Marked the shift from the old regime to the creation of a republic.
  • Storming of the bestille

    The Bastille was a representation of the monarchy’s power and control over the people
    The people raided the Bastille to release any prisoners and to gather supply's
  • March of the women on Versailles

    Women marched to Versailles to demand that king Louis the VXI help with the lack/ price of bread
    They also wanted the king to live in Paris to experience what at they were experiencing
  • Royal family attempts to fight the varennes

    • The royal family attempted to escape France but were unsuccessful
    • Their goal was to provide the king with greater freedom of action and security then was possible in Paris -They were arrested
  • National convention is formed

    A single chamber assembly
    Oversaw the creation of the France into a republic
    Oversaw the shift of the French Revolution into its radical phase
  • The committee of public safety

    • created by the national convention Was created in an attempt to defend against foreign and domestic enemy’s As well as to oversee the new functions of the executive government
  • The execution of king Louis the XVI

    • king Louis the 16th was a major cause of the French Revolution as his spending and attitude lead to Frances economic state. He was convicted of high treason after his secret dealings with Mirabeau and all of his counterrevolutionary intrigues were discovered.
  • Reign of terror

    A period of violence in the French Revolution
    A series of massacres and numerous public execution took place in response to anticlerical sentiment, and accusations of treason by the committee of public safety.
  • Directory begins

    • a five member committee that governed France from 1795- 1799 They failed to reform Frances economic state They relied heavily on violence and military power