Period: to
Moderate Phase
The main body of France, the commoners, want justice and relief for the poor. They want equality, freedom, and brotherhood. This is the Third Estate, and they want to make France become a republic. They're taking it step by step... -
Louis Calls for the Estates General
King Louis XVI calls for the Estates General in a meeting to discuss the economic troubles of France.The First and Second Estate dominate the talks. The Third Estate demands justice and relief for the poor, but no one listens to them. -
Tennis Court Oath
The Third Estate is locked out of a meeting of the Estates General, and they meet at a tennis court and make an oath which vowed to save France. They create the National Assembly, who begin to make laws in the name of the people. -
Bastille Day
The King's prisons are raided. Riots are sparked everywhere, and the Landlords are attacked and the food stores raided. -
"Liberate, Egalite, Fraternite"
The National Assembly ends serfdom and feudalism. They write the Declaration of the rights of Men and the Citizen, which calls for freedom, equality, and brotherhood and a limited monarchy. -
National Convetion
The National Assembly renamed themselves the National Convetion, which copmposed the constitutional and legislative assembly of France. France is declared a republic. -
The King and Queen are Executed
Period: to
Reign of Terror
Extremists - mainly Danton, Marat, and Robespierre - make their way to the top and begin to control the situation, which makes everything errupt into chaos. Anyone who is suspected of being an enemy of the revoultion or an anti-revolutionary is executed. -
The Jacobins and The Revolutionary Tribunal
The three Jacbonis - Marat, Danton, and Robespierre - had a lot of power. They were extremists in the National Convention and they were also a part of the Committee of Public Safety. They were the ones who executed the King and the Queen. They created the Revolutionary Tribunal which caused people who were enemies of the revolution, were suspected of being enemies of the revolution, or were anti-revolutionaries to be executed. Hundreds were massacred. -
"Levy en Masse"
Dechristianization of France
Churches are closed; the whole Catholic religion is shut down. -
Danton Executed
The people of france have had enough of the extremists and the radical period; they're done with the Reign of Terror. Therefore, they now execute those leaders. -
Marat Assassinated
Robespierre Exectued
Churches Reopen
Period: to
Directory Stage
The Reign of Terror ends with the people of france executing the crazy extremists - Danton, Marata, and Robespierre - because they're sick and tired of it. It all clams down and become sort of moderate again, but it's different and it's a more direct approach to becoming a republic. -
New Constitution
Directory -Council of 500Council of the Ancients 5 man executive board -
"Whiff of Grapeshot"
Napoleon defends the directory. -
Napoleon Rises to Power
He removed the directory for a 3 man consulate. Napoleon was 1/3 but he controlled the army. He changed his title to Supreme Ruler/Dictator. He strengthened the military, made a peace treaty with the coalition (1802), reformed the economy, created more equitable taxation, created the National Bank to control inflation, loaned to businesses, made governmental reforms, reduced corruption, created public schools for all French kids, lagal reform - Free Speech, Free Press, Freedom of religion. -
Louisiana Purchase
Napoleon sold the Louisiana territory to the U.S. to spite England. -
Napoleon is Emperor of France
Period: to
Napoleon Phase
Nepoleon roughshods all over the French people's plan to become a republic, and he becomes the "supreme ruler" or the French Emperor until he falls and another king takes his place. IN THE FUTURE IT OFFICIALLY BECOMES A REPUBLIC at about around the 1900s. -
Battle of Trafalgar
Napoleon Has Power of all of Europe all the way to Russia
Napoleon Invades Russia
Russia Defeats France (Napoleon)
Napoleon Loses Power and Louis XVIII becomes king