"National Assembly"
The king ordered the meeting hall of the Third Estate closed. The Third Estate, or National Assembly, and the king swore an oath not to disband until a constitution is approved. -
Constituent National Assembly
They have full authority and power to decree law and their primary task is to draw up and adopt constitution. On July 17, the work of designing the new constitution began. -
Falling of the Bastille
Parisians are alarmed by the gathering of trops. These troops demand gunpowder be given to them, and the Swiss guards fired into the crowd. After, an attack begins and the Bastille falls. -
Gallican Catholic Church
The "Civil Constitution of Clergy" was adopted, which led to the Gallican Catholic Church being established. Shortly after, the first anniversary of the Revolution is celebrated. -
Louis XVI's Failed Attempt
June 20-25:
Luios XVI, his wife, and his children try to flee France, but are arrested and brought back. His authority gets suspended until further notice. This would have a huge role in the destroying of Constitutional Monarchy. -
Fall of Robespierre
July 27-28:
Robespeirre and his allies are charged with crimes against the republic. They are accused, condemned, and guillotined within two days. -
On this date, the separation of the Church & State and freedom of religion are officially confirmed. This would have a huge impact on the near future, and the outcome of this French Revolution. -
Louis XVI's Death
Louis XVI dies and many legends have been told after his death, explaining how and why he died. No matter which one you beleive, he's dead and had an important role in the French Revolution. (Perhaps execution or maybe natural causes) -
Threatening Causes Resigning
Attacks and threats of accusation from the two councils, causes two members, of the Directory, to resign. This left Barras and Sieyes remaining as the only two members left. -
New Constitution
A new constitution, the Constitution of the year VIII, was submitted for approval. After it was approved, the long and dreadful French Revolution had come to an end.