Meeting with Louis - Dissus tax changed
King Louis called a meeting in the General Estates of Versailles. This meeting was called to discuss new tax plan because the economy was horrable. -
Start of the Revolution
The French Revolution was started becasue the peasents (every who wasn't a noble or political figure) was displeased with the government. There was a high tax rate for the peasents because they were in such high debt; this debt was inherited by Louis the XVI. Therefore, the Revolt of the peasetns started the French Revolution. -
French Women take Louis XVI prisoner
A large number of women in Paris invaded Versailles. They took Louis XVI prisoner and forced the royal family to Paris. -
Louis XVI arrested for escape attempt
Louis attempted to escape from France with his family. However, he was caught and arrested. -
France declares war on Austria
Prussia and Austria had an agreement - a declaration - to not hurt or harm Louis XVI in any way. France got mad not only because of the declaration but France dispised the ruler - Leopold II (the 2nd). -
King Louis XVI on trial
This is when all the people started figuring out what to do with him since France was now a republic. The trials results were that he was charged with treason. -
King Louis XVI sentence - guillotine
Louis was convicted of treason. France was changed to a republic so the king was basically useless - to they exsecuted him. -
Nation Draft for men to the army
A nation draft was announced that all and any able-bodied men were drafted to the French army. It was a great idea because food and goods were short - so to be in the army would supply you with the necessities. -
Period: to
Reign of Terror
The Reign of Terror is when about 20,000 to 40,000 people were guillotined. The Reigh of Terror court decided this. -
End of Revolution & Results of Revolution
A result of the revolution was that Napoleon came into power, well more like placed himself as emporer. The regin of Terror was still going on. King Louis and his queen were beheaded. The constitution of 1799 was signed by Louis XVI (actually forced to sign) and so France changed froma monarchy to an empire.