French revolution

The French Revolution

  • Nobility forces King Louis XVI to call the Estates General into session

    Nobility forces King Louis XVI to call the Estates General into session
    The King was in trouble. The nobility was not happy with his attempt to tax their estate. Nobility wanted to pass the cost once again on the Third Estate.
  • Estate-General meets in Paris

    Estate-General meets in Paris
    King Louis XVI calls body into session to approve a new tax on the 3rd Estate. Had not met in 175 years.
  • 3rd Estate refused to abide by the kings one vote for each estate order

    3rd Estate refused to abide by the kings one vote for each estate order
    The third estate proclaimed themselves a legislature, with a right to make laws for France.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    King Louis allowed each representative to have a vote after they were about to write a constituion for France.
  • The Storming of the Bastille

    The Storming of the Bastille
    Was a poweful symbol of the French Revolution. The people got weapons and arms.
  • Great Fear Begins

    Great Fear Begins
    Many people thought that the King would punish them for what they had done. When they found out that it was all just rumors, peasants and others began using violence.
  • National Assembly abolishes Feudalism with August Decrees

    National Assembly abolishes Feudalism with August Decrees
    Eliminated all the feudal dues and services that peasnts owed the landowners as well as eliminated the first estates legal privileges.
  • Declaration of the RIghts of Man

    Declaration of the RIghts of Man
    Set laws or morals to live by, like the U.S. constitution the Bill of Rights, given all men their rights.
  • Women of Paris March to Versailles for Bread

    Women of Paris March to Versailles for Bread
    Significant event of Frenc h Revolution prices of bread to high seeked liberal political reforms.
  • Royal Family's Flight from Verennes

    Royal Family's Flight from Verennes
    Escaped Paris to initiate a counter revolution, then to conduct a military campaign which could restore his rule.
  • New Constitution adopted

    New Constitution adopted
    Second constitution established popular sovereignty.
  • Beginning of Legislative Assembly

    Beginning of Legislative Assembly
    Bourgeousies favored constitutional monarchy and believed that the revolution had already achieved its goal. Jacobins favored more revolutionary actions and believed that more revolutionary measures were necessary.
  • Brunswick Manifesto warns that Royal family must not be harmed or else...

    Brunswick Manifesto warns that Royal family must not be harmed or else...
    If the royal family was harmed, many citizens would also be harmed. Wanted to intimidate Paris but further pushed the revolution.
  • Storming of the Tuileries Palace

    Storming of the Tuileries Palace
    Effectively ended the French monarchy and took away any pretence that the royal family were not prisoners of the state.
  • Fench Monarchy is officially abolished

    Fench Monarchy is officially abolished
    Revolutionary Gov't votes to abolish the monarchy and establish the first Republic. Royal family imprisoned.
  • French defeat the foreign invaders (Austria and Prussia) who are attempting to preserve the monarchy.

    French defeat the foreign invaders (Austria and Prussia) who are attempting to preserve the monarchy.
    France turns the tide of the war and takes the offensive against the invaders.
  • The execution of King Louis XVI in Paris

    The execution of King Louis XVI in Paris
    Renewed the government system.
  • Committee of Public Saftey Established

    Committee of Public Saftey Established
    Defended France against its enemies, designed during the reign of terror.
  • Law of Suspects passes Beginning of the Reign of Terror in France

    Law of Suspects passes Beginning of the Reign of Terror in France
    Arrested all who were suspected to be corrupt and against the revolution.
  • End of the Reign of Terror - execution of Robespierre

    End of the Reign of Terror - execution of Robespierre
    Resulted in a new life for the people, mostly the 3rd estate.
  • National Convention is dissolved and the creation of the Directorate

    National Convention is dissolved and the creation of the Directorate
    It was run by an executive branch of five directors however, they were weak and Frances troubles continued.
  • Napolean named First Consul

    Napolean named First Consul
    A forced transfer of power. France's turmoil, poverty, and corruption spread.
  • Coronation of Napoleon Bonaparte as Emperor of France

    Coronation of Napoleon Bonaparte as Emperor of France
    He wanted to make his own power permanent and hereditary.