The French Revolution

  • Louis XVI calls Estates General to session

    Louis XVI calls Estates General to session
    The king was in trouble. The nobility was not happy with his attempts to tax their estate. Nobility wanted to pass the cost onto the Third Estate again.
  • Estates General Meets in Paris

    Estates General Meets in Paris
    King Louis XVI calls body into session to approve a newtax on the 3rd Estate. Had not met in 175.
  • 3rd Estate does not want to abide by the kings one vote for each Estate order

    3rd Estate does not want to abide by the kings one vote for each Estate order
    Due to Abuses of Power by the Second and First Estate, The Third Estate asked for a number of votes equal to the amount of representatives that were brought. This is the first definite sign of the forming of the Revolution.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    Representatives of the 3rd Estates are barred from Estate General due to their demands. They swear an oath, in a tennis court, to keep fighting for representation.
  • Storming of Bastille

    Storming of Bastille
    Revolutionaries attacked the ancient Bastille fortress in Paris, and killed or captured all the guards as well as acquiring a large stockpile of weaponry.
  • The Great Fear Begins

    The Great Fear Begins
    Period of time in which rumors and superstitions abounded after the Bastille. Rumors of the king hiring foreign mercenaries caused the peasants much distress.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    Declaration of the Rights of Man
    This document established the basic rights and liberties that the Revolution strove to uphold.
  • Women of Paris March on Versailles for Bread

    Women of Paris March on Versailles for Bread
    Group of Women started a protest march on the scarcity of bread, and somehow it evolved from that into a riot that then ransacked the city armory for weapons, and marched on the Palace of Versailles in order to succesfully press demands upon King Louis XVI.
  • National Assembly abolishes Feudalism with August Decrees

    National Assembly abolishes Feudalism with August Decrees
    This act gives the Third Estate a legitimate cause to go against the legitimate government.
  • New Constitution Adopted

    French finish writing and editing new Constitution. Created Constitutional Monarchy in that king was allowed the ability to Veto in order to balance out the representatives power.
  • Beggining of Legislative Assembly

    Beggining of Legislative Assembly
    Establishment of a Legislative body to govern France. Two main groups, the Feuliants and the Jacobins. The Jacobins wanted a total democracy, whilst the Feuliants wanted a constitutional monarchy.
  • Royal Family's flight to Varennes

    Royal Family's flight to Varennes
    The Royal Family of France attempted to flee to a fortress in Montmedy, where they believed they could start a counter-revolution. This ended in disaster when they were caught in the small town of Varennes.
  • Brunswick Manifesto sent

     Brunswick Manifesto sent
    Duke of Brunswick sent a missive to the Revolutionaries that stated that if the French Monarchy was ever harmed, then the citizens of france would be harmed. This spurred the Radicals onto new heights and instead of intimidating the French, It led to wars between france and counter revoultionary monarchies.
  • Storming of the Tuileries

    Storming of the Tuileries
    Large group of French Revolutionaries backed by the Revolutionary government besieged and took the Palace of the Tuileries. King captured.
  • French Monarchy Abolished

    French Monarchy Abolished
    This signaled the end of rule by \a monarch or noble in France.
  • French defeat Austian and Prussian Invaders

    French defeat Austian and Prussian Invaders
    Invaders from Prussia and Austria came into France in order to preserve the French Monarchy.
  • Execution of King Louis XVI

    Execution of King Louis XVI
    Louis XVI was stripped of his position of king and made a citizen, then executed by way of Guillotine do tooo charges of treason.
  • Commitee of Public Safety Established

    Commitee of Public Safety Established
    This commitee would become the leading causes of the Reign of Terror, accusing hundreds of people of treason and then executing them with only a small trial.
  • Law of Suspects passed

    Law of Suspects passed
    The Law of Suspects, a decree allowing the arrest and execution of those suspected of being treasonous to the new French Government. This is the beginning of the Reign of Terror.
  • End of Reign of Terror - execution of Robespierre

    End of Reign of Terror - execution of Robespierre
    At this point, france has just realised that it killed tens of thousands of people in order to satiate it's lust for revenge. In order to somewhat atone, they kill the guy who kept the killing spree going.
  • National Convention Dissolved

    National Convention Dissolved
    The French created a new constitution, and the National Convention Dissolved itself in order to make way for a bicameral legislature consisting of a lower house called the Council of Five Hundred, and an upper house called the council of Ancients.
  • Napoleon Named First Consul

    Napoleon Named First Consul
    After the fall of the Directory, A Consulate was put in place and Napolean put in place as it's new head.
  • Napolean Becomes Emperor of France

    Napolean Becomes Emperor of France
    Napolean Bonaparte, First Consul of Frances consulate, usied a failed assasination plot on his life to justify the recreation of a hereditary monarchy, with him as the monarch. All went well, and he was crowned Emperor.