The French Revolution

  • The Kings Meeting

    The Kings Meeting
    Louis XVI called a meeting of the estate general to discuss a new tax plan.
  • The National Assembly

    The National Assembly
    Wanted to make a 3rd estate. The National Assembly was made.
  • Drafting The Constiution

    Drafting The Constiution
    The National Assembly has a committiee of 30 members to draft the constiution.
  • A Storming Fall

    A Storming Fall
    Bastille had a storming fall.
  • The End of Feudalism

    The End of Feudalism
    Ended fedalism and National Assembly announced serfdom in France.
  • The Declaration of The Rights Of Man

    The Declaration of The Rights Of Man
    The National Assembly issued the Declaration of The Rights of Man.
  • The Bread March

    The Bread March
    The women in Paris did a bread march for bread prices to go down.
  • Civil Constitution

    Civil Constitution
    Civil Constitution of the clergy was passed.
  • Adopted

    Adopted The Constitution.
  • Assested

    Whie trying to flee from Frence, Louis XVI and his family were assested.
  • Declaring War

    Declaring War
    Frence declared war with Austria.
  • National Convention

    National Convention
    The National Convention held it's first meeting.
  • King Louis XVI on Trial

    King Louis XVI on Trial
    Commencement of the trail of Louis XVI.
  • Sentenced To The Guillotine

    Sentenced To The Guillotine
    Louis XVI was sentenced to the Guillotine.
  • Robespierre was Arrested

    Robespierre was Arrested
    Robespierre was arrested by the National Convention.
  • National Draft

    National Draft
    All the able-bodied men to enlist in the army, the National Draft was issued.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    To july 1794, 20,000 to 40,000 people were senenced to death by the Reign of Terror.
  • Beheaded

    Robespierre was beheaded.
  • A New Constitution

    A New Constitution
    A new constitution was adopted.
  • The End

    The End
    The fall of the directory heralds the end of the French Revolution.
  • Where I got the information.

    The Pictures- Google