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The French Revolution

  • Financial Meeting

    Financial Meeting
    King Louis the XVI called together the 3 groups of people to discuss their Financial issues. The three groups consisted of The First Estate (the Clergy), Second Estate (the Nobles), and Third Estate (the Common people). During the meeting, the Third Estate found themselves cluttered together forming a National Assembly, leading to the first few steps of the French Revolution.
  • It Begins!

    It Begins!
    The French Revolution began when commoners and soldiers began to attack the Bastille, a prision, a symbol of the government. Louis the XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette were current King and Queen of France, they were rich aristocrats who ignored the needs of the people.
  • The Bastille

    The Bastille
    The day that the Bastille was attacked, the soldiers and commoners were only interested in the amount of weapons and ammuition stored in the prision. Not the seven prisioners that were in the prision at the time.
  • Paper of Rights!

    Paper of Rights!
    This Declaration was adopted on the 26th of August as a small first step towards a Constitution for France. This gave all Estates of France equal rights of men. Unfortunately, it did not give full rights to women untill they created the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female citizen in Spetember.
  • To Paris!

    To Paris!
    On the night of October 5, 1789, an angry mob of women from Pairs stormed into the palace where the royal family [King Louis XVI] was living and tried to kill the queen. When they failed, the royal family agreed to go to the Tuileries Palace in Paris.
  • Forward..MARCH!

    It began in a marketplace in Paris, where ladies were getting angry over the high price of bread, due to the scaricity. However, revolutionaries took this as an opprotunity to make it into a mob of thousands. Soon, it was a march of thousands of women, armed with weapons they ransacked from the city's armory and headed off to the Palace of Versailles, where they planned to put their demands straight to King Louis XVI
  • The Secret Escape Attempt

    The Secret Escape Attempt
    Louis XVI tried to secretly escape with his family by disguising themselves as servants to escape the palace. They had planned to escape to Montmedy, a royalist fortress town. However,they were caught by the postmaster, Jean-Baptiste Drouet and was arrested and sent back to Tuileries to go under strict house arrest.
  • Down with the Monarchy!

    Down with the Monarchy!
    The people created a republic which replaced the Royal Family. The First French Republic was created by the National Convention. This Republic symbolizes the fall of the monarchy, the creation of the National Convention, and the Reign of Terror. The Republic also led to Napoleon rising to power in France.
  • Fall of the King

    Fall of the King
    Louis, the now former King was voted his punishment on Janurary 15. 288 Deputies voted for either death or exile. 72 Deputies voted for death, but it had some conditions. Meanwhile, 361 Deputies voted for immedate death. On Monday, the 21st, Louis bravely walked up to the guillotine and gave a breif speech and bravely accepted his fate.
  • Reign of Terror!

    Reign of Terror!
    A time of terror between two political fractions. The Girondins and the Jacobins caused mass execution of enemies of the revoultion. The number of death went up into the ten thousands. One of the ways of the execution was by the guillotine. The guillotine became famous in the Reign of Terror and was known as the "National Razor"