Louis XVI marries Marie Antoinette
Louis XVI marries Marie Antoinette to tie France and Austria together and end a conflict between the two countires.- Date not accurate
Louis XVI to the throne
Shortly before he marries Mary Antoinette, Louis XVI succeeds his father to the throne at age 13. -
National Assembly done with Feudalism
Members of the National Assembly had formally done away with all feudilism as of August 4, 1789. -
Women's March
Women marched to Versailles to revolt against Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette -
French Declare War
The French Legislative Assembly voted to declare war on Austria in April of 1791. -
French Constitution
In 1791, the French National Assembly had finished the new French Constitution. -
Legislative Assembly suspends office of King
Armed Parisians killed many of the King's guards and imprisioned the Royal family in the Temple in attempt to take over the government of France. -
Louis XVI put to Death
Louis XVI beheaded by the Guillotine after being found guilty of treason to his own country, -
Marie Antoinette's Death
By the French people, Marie was put to death at the guillotine. -
Maximilien Robespierre put to Death
After all the bloodshed caused by Robespierre, he was eventually put to death by his own invention, the Guillotine.