
The French Revolution

By ddbbmr
  • The Tennis Court Oath

    The Tennis Court Oath
    The Tennis Court Oath began due to King Louis want to keep an absolute government in France. On the morning of June 20, 1789, members of the third estate were shocked to find that the doors of the Estates-General were locked and guarded. This caused the National Assembly, made up of the representatives who were locked out, to form in a nearby tennis court.They made a pact to not stop meeting with each other until they got the constitution that they wanted.
  • The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

    The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
    On March 29th, 1790 Pope Pius and the council of cardinals condemned the Declaration of the Rights of Man (one year after is was created [26 August 1789]). This was an important document to the French Revolution because it showed the rights of the three estates. It however, does not include slaves or women in the document.This affected the revolution because it was stating the rights everyone should have, and it revealed how unfair the power the clergy & nobles had over the commoners was.
  • Massacre the the Champs de Mars

    Massacre the the Champs de Mars
    The National Guard opened fire on republican demonstrators after they had thrown rocks. It led to the death of almost fifty people. It was important because it was known as the turning point in the revolution and because it had revolutionaries going against one another for the first time during the French Revolution. The republican demonstrators were there because the National Constituent assembly issued a decree that the king would remain under a constitutional monarchy.
  • Guillotine

    The guillotine was a form of execution where it cut off the person’s head by a suspended blade. On March 20, 1792, it was adopted as the official means of execution for the country. It was first used to execute on April 25, 1792. it was created by Joseph Ignace Guillotine. The guillotine played a huge role in the French Revolution and is now a symbol of the French Revolution itself.
  • King Louis XVI Executed

    King Louis XVI Executed
    On January 21st, 1793 King Louis XVI was put on trial where he was found guilty of high treason and was arrested. He was then moved to a prison with his family where he would live out the rest of his days. King Louis was condemned of high treason by the National Convention and sentenced to death by the Guillotine. The execution of the king was considered the start of The Reign of Terror. The people rejoiced because they were no longer under the rein of their unprepared ruler.
  • The Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror
    The Reign of Terror was an event that occurred because of a rivalry between the Girondins and the Jacobins. Many people lost their life's because of this, by the end it was said that somewhere between 16,000 and 40,000 life’s were taken .The Terror was designed to fight the enemies or anyone who did not believe in the revolution, the main objective being to prevent counter-revolution of the people. A man might have been sentenced for saying a negtive thing towards the revolutionary government.
  • Marie Antoinette Beheaded

    Marie Antoinette Beheaded
    Marie Antoinette was the last queen of France. She was put in jail and heart broken because her children were taken from her. She was put on trial for committing incest with her son and being guilty of treason. She defended herself against the accusations and it was the last time the women of France sympathized for their queen.
  • The New Consitution

    The New Consitution
    The Convention approved the new "Constitution of the Year III" on 17 August 1795; it was ratified in September and it took effect on September 26, 1795. The Constitution of the Year III was a national constitution of France that was approved and ratified by the National Convention during the French Revolution.
  • Secound Treaty of San Ildefonso

    Secound Treaty of San Ildefonso
    The Second Treaty of San Ildefonso between French Republic and the Spanish Empire; the two become allies. These two countries combined their forces against the British Empire.
  • The Battle of Rivoli

    The Battle of Rivoli
    The Battle of Rivoli was the most comprehensive of Napoleon's victories in Italy during his campaign of 1796-97. At the end of the pursuit that followed the victory the French had captured more than half of an Austrian army of 28,000, despite being significantly outnumbered at the start of the campaign.
  • The Netherlands Revolt

    The Netherlands Revolt
    The Netherlands revolted in 1789 resulting in the establishment of the United States of Belgium. In the years that followed Belgium was occupied by the French. October 12, 1798 marked the day that the Peasants war began. Many of the rebels (mostly farmers) were upset about the cancellation of local laws which had been replaced by uniform French law. Without this event, the French would not have been weakened, allowing Napoleon to take over.
  • Downfall of the Directory

    Downfall of the Directory
    October 9, 1799: Napoleon Bonaparte was a military genius who had great success with his military campaigns in Italy. He became dictator of France on October 9, 1799 for 15 years. Although it was the Directory that encouraged the French Army’s actions, it was the army’s unpredicted success that worked against the Directory instead of with it. Though Napoleon lead France as a dictator he did more to respect for the spirit of liberty and equality than the original French Revolutionaries had.