The French Revolution

  • Estates General Convened By King

    Estates General Convened By King
    The first of many tasks the King focused on was verifying the powers of the Estates and making them equal. During that process, the Third Estate formed the National Assembly.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The Tennis Court Oath was a pledge signed by 576 out of 577 members of the Third Estate who were locked out of the Estates General meeting. Those members then had their own meeting on a tennis court.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    A mob of craftsman and salesman stole 28,000 rifles and gunpowder from the "Invalides". The Bastille was a symbol of the King's power so they attacked it. After a long battle, they entered the Bastille and violent killed the guards. That very night, an estimated 800 people began to destroy the Bastille.
  • National Assembly Decrees Abolition of Feudalism

    National Assembly Decrees Abolition of Feudalism
    The decree was a Document that promised that in the future, there would be process in judicial matters and established peace for the French people.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

  • Women's March For Bread to Versaille

    Women's March For Bread to Versaille
    A large group of women gathered at the central marketplace and began marching to Versaille. The purpose was to obtain bread and force the high prices of bread down. They had several weapons and when they arrived, the King gave into their demands and gave bread to all in Paris.
  • Abolition of Nobility and Titles

    Abolition of Nobility and Titles
    This abolished the Nobility and all of its privileges. The decrees contains 4 rules and regulations.
  • Black Citizens of French Colonies Granted Equal Rights

    Black Citizens of French Colonies Granted Equal Rights
    The Society of the Friends of the Blacks (French: Société des amis des Noirs or Amis des Noirs) was a group of French men and women, mostly white, who were abolitionists. In February 1794, the National Assembly legislated the Universal Emancipation decree, which effectively freed all colonial slaves.
  • Beginning of Legislative Assembly

    Beginning of Legislative Assembly
    The Legislative Assembly was the National Parliament of France during the Revolutionary period and the Second Republic.
  • Execution of King Louis XVI

    Execution of King Louis XVI
    The people of Paris blamed the King and Queen for the economic decline. The King tried to escape but was captured. He was later brought to trial by the National Convention for crimes against the people.
  • Jacobin Masses Storm the Tuileries Palace, Massacring the Swiss Guard and the King Imprisoned

    Jacobin Masses Storm the Tuileries Palace, Massacring the Swiss Guard and the King Imprisoned
    30,000 made their way towards the palace to capture King XVI. King Louis XVI was told of this and moved himself and his family to the Legislative Assembly building. At the same time, the King left no orders for the Swiss Guard who defended the palace. They tried to defend but their efforts were worthless. Although they didn't find the King, they killed everyone in sight.
  • Committee of Public Safety Established

    Committee of Public Safety Established
    The committee was created by the National Convention. It was the political body of the French Revolution that gained dominance over France during the "Reign of Terror".
  • Beginning of the Reign of Terror

    Beginning of the Reign of Terror
    A period of terror that began when the French Revolution entered the phase of political conflict namely between the political factions of the Girondins and Jacobins. The Guillotine became the mehtod of settling disputes. The Law of Suspects allowed the creation of tribunals to try and execute anyone who disagreed with the French Republic.
  • End of the Reign of Terror

    End of the Reign of Terror
    Robbespierre is arrested and executed, ending the phase known as the Reign of Terror.
  • Creation of the Directory

    Creation of the Directory
    This was a body of five directors that held executive power in France. The Directory, or Directiore, was the second to last stage of the French Revolution.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte Named "First Consul"

    Napoleon Bonaparte Named "First Consul"
    He was named first consul, a dictator with a constitution just for him. It was difficult but his political skills prevailed.
  • Napoleon I Concecrated as Emperor

    Napoleon I Concecrated as Emperor
    The crowning took place at the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris. The actual painting was completed in 1808 by Jacques-Louis David.