Meeting of the Estates General
Assembly made up of three estates to approve new taxes on the third estate.The voting process that the estates would do would be that the first & second estates would vote together, which would outvote the third estate. The Third estate later then called themselves as a Legislature. They swore they wouldnt leave the tennis court until they wrote a constituiton for France which was known as the Tennis Court Oath. The outcome was that the General didnt meet for 175 years. -
Storming of Bastilles
Mob or Parisians went to Bastille, an ancient prison.
The mob went into the prison & killed the commander. The outcome was that it became a powerful symbol of the French Revolution. -
Creation of the National Assembly
The violence that marked the beginning of the revolutions eventually lessened The outcome was that the Third Estate got the right to vote. -
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
The declaration set out basic rules of The French Revolution. This declaration wasnt for woman. The outcome was that "All men are born equal and will remain equal against the law. Olyupme de Gouges worte a declaration for woman, but the National Assembly didnt approve. -
Creation of the National Convention
The National Assembly eliminated feudal dues and service the peasants owed the landowners. 7000 woman marched on the palace for bread. Legislative Assembly voted itself out of existence ond called for election. They destoried the monarchy ond stated that they want France as a Republic.
The outcome was that French won the battle against foriegn invaders & the French Republic held its ground against Europe's Old Order. -
Exucution of the King
The king & his queen made France become bankrupt. The people were very angry with this. The Montagnards wanted to keep the king from returning the monarchy and defend the revolution of its enemies. The Europeans were filled with horror. -
Period: to
Reign of Terror
A wave of fear throughout the country.The Leaders took a drastic action because they wanted to avoid a possible counterrevolution. The girondists were targets of the Rev. Tribunal. They were denied the right to prevent a defense.
1700 people were executed. The outcome was that France started anew govn't. Also, the National Convention wrote another constitution that restricted voting rights from the previous constitution. The people who voted elected a govening board known as Directory. -
Coup'd Etat
Napolean Staged his military.
The Coup'd etat is the sudden overthrow of ruling govnt tthrough unconstitutional means.