06 french revolution

The French Revolution

  • Estates-General convenes

    Estates-General convenes
    The Estates-General convened in a temporary Salle des États set up in a courtyard of the official Hôtel des Menus Plaisirs in Versailles near the royal château.
  • Third Estate declares itself the National Assembly

    Third Estate declares itself the National Assembly
    The Estates General had to deal with France's financial Problems. Members were chosen for each class but the third class got double representation but the Estates-General had already confirmed that each class is chosen by "estates" not "head"
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    The fortress and prison in Paris had shown royal authority. The prison had a fall from the French Revolution and a new holiday occured, Bastille day. Soon after there was an economic crisis (Started the American Revolution) and then the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizens document was created.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen issued

    Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen issued
    A document of the French Revolution influenced by Natural Rights tells rights for all men in France.
  • Louis XVI executed

    Louis XVI executed
    He was executed at the Place de la Révolution. He saw the monarchy after the attack on the Tuileries by insurgents, Louis was arrested, interned in the Temple prison with his family, and was tried for treason before the National Convention.
  • Maximilien Robespierre assumes leadership of the Committee of Public Safety

    Maximilien Robespierre assumes leadership of the Committee of Public Safety
    A schrewd lawyer and politician and assumes leadership to this committee because he was influenced by Rousseau's ideas of law. Enemies of him call him a tyrant.
  • Robespierre is guillotined

    Robespierre is guillotined
    He was guillotined (beheaded) because he tried to kill himself before he was going to get executed. He was guillotined without a trail.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte seizes power

    Napoleon Bonaparte seizes power
    He heard about a military crisis in France. He seized power so he wouldn't have to take care of it and then French people were now in for a new constitution and Napoleon was made First Consul of France.
  • Napoleon is defeated by the British at the Battle of Waterloo

    Napoleon is defeated by the British at the Battle of Waterloo
    His star soared for 100 days and then the opposing armies met in Waterloo, Belgium. Napoleon was forced to abdicate and to go into exile on St. Helena and he didn't return.