Period: to
the frenchn revolution
france's money
After helping the colonies during the American revolution and fighting agenst England the french is becomming bankrupt.(notes) -
queen rules
The queen Marie Antoinette spent tons of money for expensive parties, dresses, jewalry, makeup and other very expensive luxry items.(notes) -
Bad harvest
France began to have large severe droughts wich led to food shortages, prices went up, and people began to starve the average person had 1 loaf of bread a day.(notes) -
social classes
there was three social classes the clergy wich were of the church , the nobles wich are the rich people nighter of these payed taxes however the third estate the poor payed all the taxes.(notes) -
The Enlightenment
hearing about philosophers ideas about how the king should be limited, that people should have rights, the king was breacking the social contract, are all that pushed the french to revolt.(notes) -
the royal mariage
The day the beautiful young Marie Antoinette and king louis the 16th are married in the palace of versailles at the age of 15 and 16.http://www.history.com/topics/marie-antoinette -
The terrible cold
Along with the harsh hot summer's wich made bad harvest thier were also harsh cold winters that didnt help matters much with health and harvest.(notes) -
thier children
On this day the frist of three of marie antoinette's children was born as she lasted 12 hours in labor with her first born child Marie Therese to whom she praised as "hers " and not the of the property of the state.http://mentalfloss.com/article/25186/what-happened-marie-antoinettes-children -
national assembly
After leaving a meeting with the king and being locked out two months later a group of the third estate brought togeather to form the national assembly . (notes) -
tennis court put in play
The tennis court oath was an oath taken by every member in the national assembly that they would continue to meet and never let the power of the king pervent them.(notes) -
attack the Bastille
King louis the 16 had his army surround paris so the people defend with localmilitias with many guns but no gun powder they race to the bastille where the gun powder was kept they didnt stop thier they destroyed the bastille now in the hands of the revolutionaries the revolution has began.(notes) -
declaration of the rights of man
After being locked out and creating the declaration of the rights of man finnished june 20 1789 the document was created and finnished.(notes) -
bread march
Thousands of women marched 12miles to the palace of versilles 6000 armed with broomsticks ,lances,pitchforcks, soords ,pistols, and muskets. for food and the sinning of the d.r.m. (notes) -
The Wars
Inculding the home courntry of the queen many courntry's declared war with france during the revolution in wich will be one day won by france. http://www.historyworld.net/wrldhis/plaintexthistories.asp?historyid=ac04 -
the guillotine
The famonus killer pf two very rich people king louis the xvl and the beautiful Marie antoinette the two charged with treason would both face the same fate as the other.http://boisdejustice.com/History/History.html -
the failed royal escape
Revolutionaries foce the king to sign law after law wich then forced the king to consider fleeing he gathred his family and started toward Ausria looking for help from Marie Antoinette's own family but they were stoped at a local villiage and was brought back to Paris.(notes) -
long live the king
On this day king louis xvl was brought to justice at the guliotine covincted of treason nine months later the once beautiful Marie Antoinette was also brought to justice.http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/king-louis-xvi-executed -
The reign of terror
France was losing the war 30 miles away france they killed anyone who was against the revolution 40000 people including the king , queen, and the man that started it all Maximillein robespierre . http://www.sparknotes.com/history/european/frenchrev/section5.rhtml -
The results of the revolution
France developed many governmaents and france won the wars agenst prussia and austriaos the revolution was not crushed.(notes) -
napoleon to power
Became a famous dictator as a young man he rose through millitary ranks and suffered form bleeding alasres he overthough france and couqured spain, portugal, holy roaman empire, prussa, austrian empire, italian states, greman states and all were ruled by the ideas of the enlightenment. (notes)