French revolution battle 85b8069bc6

French Revolution

  • Call Of The Estates General

    Call Of The Estates General
    -three estates (clergy, nobility, commoners) came to fix taxes after the war -marks the start of the French Revolution
  • National Assembly Formed

    National Assembly Formed
    -formed in order to create a constitutional monarchy and remove power from the church and nobility
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    -people of the third estate came together to protest and refused to disperse until a constitution for France was established
  • The Storming Of The Bastille

    The Storming Of The Bastille
    -the people were afraid the King Louis XVI would go against the constitution so they attacked the Bastille. -Bastille was used as a symbol of cruel monarchy so by destroying it, they retaliated against the monarch. -Stormed the Bastille to also get gunpowder for their weapons. -Marks the start of the French's love for beheading their enemies.
  • Women's March on Versailles

    Women's March on Versailles
    -a reaction to the food scarcity in France -stripped all the power away from King Louis XVI -women marched all the way to Versailles to force the king out of his palace and into Paris.
  • Constitutional Monarchy Formed

    Constitutional Monarchy Formed
    -monarchy still existed but the power of the king was limited to just being a figurehead. -citizens(men) gained the right to vote
  • France Becomes a Republic

    France Becomes a Republic
    -the constitutional monarchy became a democracy. -Girondins made King Louis XVI only a figurehead, but the Jacobins wanted him dead. -The Jacobins and Girondins faced many conflicts against one another.
  • Beheading Of Royals

    Beheading Of Royals
    -the people deemed King Louis XVI guilty and sentenced him to guillotine on Jan. 21. -His wife and son got executed on Oct. 19.
  • Reign Of Terror Begins

    Reign Of Terror Begins
    -Robespierre was the leader to the Joaquin club and beheaded anyone he saw as his enemies. -a huge massacre of people -Robespierre thought he was a god, and made the "Cult of Supreme Being"
  • Reign Of Terror Ends

    Reign Of Terror Ends
    -Robespierre lost the support of the people due to his actions and got himself beheaded -his fellow members of the Joaquin Club were also beheaded. -Marks the end of the French Revolution.