Period: to
13 year lifespan of the FSC and MSC
First meeting timber users, traders, and representatives
Taking place in California, USA, the groups agreed that a system is needed to manage forests and forest products. -
Between 1990 and 1993
There were many meetings between 10 countries who supported the worldwide certification and acceditation system. -
The interm Board of Directors is created for the FSC.
The interactions between governments and NGOs regarding the regulation of markets, the production of procurement policy, and the creation of certification programs.
As a response to global forest degradation and failed legally binding agreements to stop this, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) founded the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) in 1993.
The FSC is comprised of members who either represent certain organizations – such as NGOs, social groups, retailers, forest companies, or professional certifiers – or are individuals. -
The first FSC Director is appointed: Mr. Tim Synnott
Founding members approve FSC principles and criteria
These by-laws help to offically create teh FSC. -
FSC becomes a legally established agency in Mexico
The governments of timber-producing countries, forest industries, and landowner associations supported the FSC to create “industry-friendly” certification programs with flexible, optional standards.
Created in 1997, The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) is inspired by the WWF's success with certification and labeling from the FSC and applied to the fishing industry.
The MSC operates in the regulatory field by placing standards and procedures in the fishing industry. -
First FSC National Standard
10 million hectares certified to FSC standards. -
First labeled and certified NTFP product.
Policies of group chain of custody created.
FSC Board of Directors move towards FSC social strategies.
Intend to achieve social benefits through certification. -
At the national level, these programs resulted in the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) in 2003.
In 2003, The European Union founded the Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) action plan to stop illegal logging.
Part of the FLEGT's plan included a membership wherein procurement policies allow governments to purchase legal timber. -
In 2003, The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Committee of Fisheries (COFI) governments agreed to voluntary guidelines for the eco-labeling of fish and fish products from wild captures.
The FAO insisted that these labels be administered by an objective third party. The MSC agreed with the FAO and offered the Accreditation Services International the ability to enforce such labeling.