The Formation of Multicultural Student Groups and Programs at UW-Madison

By smian
  • Indian Students' Graduate Association

    With over 1,400 members, this student organization offers support to Indian graduate students and fosters Indian culture on campus, according to the Wisconsin Involvement Network website. (Source: Note: If the specific date that a groups was formed is not known, Jan. 1 will be used as a filler date.
  • Ulssu: Korean Traditional Drumming and Dancing

    Ulssu meets twice a week to practice the Korean practice of Poongmul. They perform all over campus in various events each year and promote multiculturalism and Korean traditions, according to the Wisconsin Involvement Network website. (Source:
  • Wisconsin’s School of Bhangra

    Wisconsin's School of Bhangra performs and teaches the traditional Indian dance form of bhangra across campus. They also participate in competitions across the country, according to the Wisconsin Involvement Network website and member Ani Srivastava. (Source:; Ani Srivastava)
  • First Wave Program

    The First Wave Hip Hop and Urban Arts Learning Community is a unique scholarship program at UW-Madison that promotes artistic development and expression, academic achievement and social activism, according to the Office of Multicultural Arts Initiatives website. (Source:
  • Los Sabrosos

    Los Sabrosos is a student organization dedicated to promoting and teaching Latin dance in the Madison community, according to the Los Sabrosos Facebook page. (Source:
  • Yoni Ki Baat

    Yoni Ki Baat is an annual performance project held at UW-Madison, according to member Nita Sharma. First started by the organization South Asian Sisters, this performance showcases women of color telling their stories. (Source: Nita Sharma)
  • Anaguma Eisa: UW-Madison’s Okinawan Taiko Club

    This student organization practices and performs the Japanese tradition of taiko drumming, which the group combines with martial arts, dance and music, according to the Wisconsin Involvement Network website. They also aim to promote Japanese cultural awareness on campus. (Source:;
  • Rootz: Afro-Caribbean Dance Team

    The Rootz dance team celebrates and brings together both Latin and African dance styles, according to the Wisconsin Involvement Network website. (Source:; Brianna Young)
  • Saying Theatre

    Focused on Chinese culture and theatre arts, this newly-created student organization intends to put on at least one production annually, according to the Wisconsin Involvement Network website. (Source:
  • Brown Girl Lifted Zine

    This online zine features submitted content that aims to highlight and promote what it means to be an intersectional feminist, according to the Brown Girl Lifted Facebook page. (Source: